Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1176: Chu Family Interviewed 2

Anyone in the community who knew Chu Muyue was shocked, as well as the village where the Chu family was located.

Liu Feng and Old Man Liu sat on the sofa and watched the content on the TV.

They were all shocked beyond words.

However, compared to Fan Qinli and his son, they seem to be better.

"This is Mu Yue, isn't it? Mu Yue is talking about? She really looks like her!" Old man Liu asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes... should it be?" Liu Feng stiffened his neck and nodded, then turned his head to call out his father Liu, "Dad, come and have a look! Hurry up!"

Father Liu was also shocked when he saw the contents of the news.

When he was in the hospital, he met Chu Muyue, and she was actually sitting in the hospital, which shocked him.

Thinking about it after returning, he also felt that Chu Muyue's future achievements must be extraordinary.

However, she didn't expect that Chu Muyue had already achieved such great achievements at such a young age.

After all, with Chu Muyue's age, it is simply impossible to sit in the hospital.

But Chu Muyue did it.

Now they saw Chu Muyue's figure appearing on the news again, and it was a big event that shocked everyone.

Chu Muyue founded the group company at the age of seventeen, although everyone does not know how many assets the newly created Longteng Group has.

However, from what everyone knows about the popularity of medicinal restaurants, this asset is definitely not low.

Although ordinary people heard of Chu Muyue's other dream cosmetics company, and didn't know whether the things in this company were good or not, they couldn't resist the investigation and analysis of this company by those reporters.

The price of the dream skin care product set is very expensive and suitable for those who are rich. However, it is rumored that the order quantity has been capped. Now even if you want to place an order, you are willing to pay, pay first and then ship it, you are still ordering Less than.

It can be seen that the assets of Dream Cosmetics Company are now hundreds of millions, not to mention other things.

Some professionals estimate that the assets of Dream Cosmetics Company are at least one billion yuan.

Although it is not certain whether this asset is one billion, as long as it is one billion, even ten million, it has already shocked the people in front of the TV.

This is not the age of the twenty-first century, when multimillionaires are everywhere. Even in the twenty-first century, there is no one billion company group at the age of seventeen.

"This girl! Promising!" Looking at Chu Muyue on the TV, Old Village Chief Liu said in admiration with pride and emotion in his eyes.

Liu Feng snorted coldly, mocking and gloating, "That is, although Mu Yue is not Chu Shu's daughter, this achievement can't be compared to those of the Chu family. Now, I think they are all Regret's intestines are going to be green!"

"It's useless to regret, that's what they deserve!" Old Village Chief Liu snorted coldly, full of ridicule, "Let them look down on Girl Mu Yue again, so don't want such a good child!"

Thinking of Chu Muyue's situation in the Chu family, he really couldn't think of how she founded such a company.

"Hey, I will tell you the good news, let everyone see, Mu Yue's achievements!" Liu Feng stood up and ran out looking excited and looking forward to it.

He wants the entire village to know that Chu Muyue's current achievements will make the Chu family regret it!

However, what Liu Feng didn't know was that the Chu family were regretful, but they did not regret that they had treated Chu Muyue that way.

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