Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1177: Chu Family Interviewed 3

The members of the Chu family also heard the news, and each of them opened their eyes in shock.

Now the Chu family has only two daughters, which is a bit easier.

Chu Jiaqi and Chu Zhiming have always had a very good relationship, and treated Chu Muyue well, so they were not affected.

Hearing this news, I was also shocked.

Chu Jiaqi quickly contacted Chu Zhiming, but couldn't get through the phone at home.

So, hurriedly ran to Chu Muyue's house, only to find that there was no one in the house.

"Sister Chu family, don't knock, Old Chu has already gone to Linshi!" An aunt on the same floor explained to Chu Jiaqi.

Chu Jiaqi heard this, with a shocked expression on her face, "I went to Linshi? When did I go? Why don't I know?"

"Yeah! Now that girl Mu Yue is promising and has opened a company, Lao Chu naturally went to Linshi to enjoy her luck!" The aunt's face was full of bright smiles, her tone was quite proud.

Obviously, this aunt also saw the news on the TV and knew Chu Muyue's current achievements.

Not envy is completely false, and she never expected that the girl who spoke weakly before would have such an achievement as it is today.

If it weren't for everyone in the neighborhood, knowing that Chu Jiaqi and Chu Zhiming have a good relationship, otherwise they wouldn't have said so much to her.

"Thank you elder sister!" After hearing the explanation from her aunt, Chu Jiaqi also left Chu Muyue's old house.

Now her eyes were blackened, and she didn't know where to contact Chu Zhiming and the others, after all, they had all gone to Linshi.

If she wants to see Chu Zhiming, she has to think of other ways.

"No need, now girl Mu Yue is promising, you see her and tell her that everyone is happy and blessed for her!" The aunt said with a warm smile.

Chu Jiaqi smiled stiffly and nodded, "Okay, I will!"

She still didn't know where to find Chu Muyue and the others, she had to find them first, and wanted to confirm from them whether this matter was true or not.

Knowing where Chu Muyue and the others were going, they left, thinking about any way to contact Chu Muyue and the others.

Others also came to Chu Zhiming's family, such as Chu Jiaman and his family, because they had never done anything that was too sorry for Chu Muyue, and they didn't find anything, so they were temporarily let go, but they were not found either.

The most tragic thing is that the situation of Chu Zhicheng and Chu Zhixin is very bad.

The eldest family, Chu Zhicheng was imprisoned because of the company's tax evasion and tax evasion. The company was also blocked. His son Chu Zhou was also imprisoned because of Chu Muyue's affairs. Don't even want to let him go for the rest of his life. Up.

This is only left with Ma Yonglan and Chu Shishu, the two mothers and daughters. Originally, the Ma’s assets as the in-law’s family were also quite rich, but because of Chu Zhicheng’s relationship, some problems were also investigated and directly blocked. In the end, they all owed a debt.

The two old people of the Ma family left their hands directly because of this incident. Only Ma Yonglan and Chu Shishu worked hard to make a living.

Chu Shishu was dismissed by the school because Chu Muyue deliberately spread her scandal in the school. In fact, the main reason was that the family had no money. As soon as the school opened her mouth, Chu Shishu also retired.

Even if Ma Yonglan wouldn't let her retire, she would retire. She had no face to stay in this school anymore. She couldn't make friends and was pointed at by someone. It really couldn't bear it.

Until now, Ma Yonglan and Chu Shishu can only squeeze in an old house of 20 to 30 square meters, rent them, and go out to work together to make money and pay off debts.

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