Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1178: Chu Family Interviewed 4

Immediately there was the second child’s family, two of whom were also in jail, Ding Chunhong and Chu Nan. It was Xiao Junyan that Chu Nan collected evidence of some of his minor crimes. Although he could not be put to death, it was enough for him to be taken in prison. It's been several years.

Only Chu Zhixin and Chu Xueyang were left at home, and their experience was no worse than Ma Yonglan and the others.

At the beginning, Chu Zhixin wanted to do something with Chu Muyue, so Xiao Junyan directly abolished his arm.

Because of insufficient funds, only half of his arm was cured, which also caused his arm to become disabled in the future, unable to do heavy work, even unable to find a job, and borrowed alcohol to sorrow at home every day.

Chu Xueyang had lost face because of Ding Chunhong's affairs, but now Chu Muyue deliberately made trouble again, so that she could not go to school, so she dropped out of school and worked outside.

Because there is a father who is an alcoholic in the family, she will be scolded and beaten every day when she goes back. Don't be too miserable in this life.

No one would have thought that the lives of these two families were quite abundant at the beginning, and even those who had achieved something like Chu Zhicheng would end up like this.

Ma Yonglan's mother and daughter and Chu Zhixin's father and daughter, because all the things that can be sold at home have been sold, it is good to live only, how can they watch TV?

Therefore, they still don't know the current situation, they know it from others.

Chu Muyue's life experience was also found out immediately, and even those brothers, sisters, and relatives who brought Chu Zhiming were also found.

Those reporters approached them and wanted to inquire more about Chu Muyue.

Facing the microphones that these reporters handed over, Ma Yonglan and the others were a little confused, not knowing what was going on.

"What!" Chu Shishu heard that Chu Muyue had started a company by himself, and the value of this company was as much as one billion. How could this not shock them?

They never expected that Chu Muyue would have such a great achievement.

Chu Muyue used to be their toy, let them bully, but today she has such a great, such a good achievement that shocked them incomparably.

"This is not true, it must not be true!" Chu Shishu shook his head, still looking incredible.

"Miss Chu, this matter is indeed true. If you don't believe it, you can go to Linshi. Chu Muyue will show up at the medicated restaurant from time to time now!" The reporter explained to Chu Shishu.

These reporters, since they can investigate Chu Shishu's current whereabouts and know where they are, of course they can also know everything they have done.

Although Chu Muyue had already opened the medicated food restaurant at that time, as an ordinary person, she admired her achievements and felt sympathy for her experience.

It is really pitiful to have such relatives.

Because of this, they even wanted to know why Chu Muyue was able to achieve such an achievement under such a situation, and how she did it.

However, looking at the appearance of these relatives of Chu Muyue, it seemed that they knew about this later than them.

It is impossible for them to ask something valuable.

Chu Shishu didn't care what these reporters were thinking, but they were shocked by the news. They couldn't believe that all of this was true, and they kept refuting it in their hearts.

"It's not true, it's not true, it must not be true! How could that **** Chu Muyue be so lucky! How could he start a company?"

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