Chu Muyue and Chu Zhiming were the first to get out of the car to see the car, while Xiao Junyan went to the car to stop.

The current 4S shop is not as lively as later generations, and the salespersons here are all looking at people.

Those who are able to buy off-road vehicles, and they are all 4S shops selling brand-name cars, people who can afford such cars are absolutely extraordinary.

The people who come are different in terms of dress and temperament.

However, what Chu Muyue wears today is very ordinary. This is also why she doesn't care about what she wears, whether she wears famous brands or not. As long as she is comfortable, she doesn't care about famous brands or roadside stalls.

Therefore, the salespersons in these 4S stores saw Chu Muyue and Chu Zhiming who were wearing ordinary clothes. They just took a look and then turned to do their own thing.

There is only one young girl who looks like she should have just entered society, and she said to Chu Muyue with a smile, "Sir, miss, what can I do for you?"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue glanced at the girl. She already had the ability to look at her face. It was already seen from her face that this girl was from an ordinary family, but she was also very simple, and she had just entered society.

That is to say, girls like her will come up to ask them.

Chu Muyue felt very good when she saw the girl's first glance. She glanced at the name tag on her chest and asked, "Miss Zhou, my dad and I want to see an off-road vehicle. What do you have here? Is it a good off-road vehicle?"

"Yes, please here!" Zhou Meifang listened and nodded quickly, leading the way.

Other sales staff in the 4S shop saw Zhou Meifang taking Chu Muyue to leave, but they did not step forward either, but their eyes were a little bit more disdainful and mocking.

They don't think that a person like Chu Muyue can buy a car, just thinking in their hearts that a newcomer is a newcomer, and they don't even have the power to see people.

When everyone was thinking about it, a young man dressed very arrogantly, with a plane nose came in, with a beautifully dressed woman in his arms.

Seeing these two people coming in, the salespeople who were sitting motionless in their seats stood up and walked forward quickly.

The speed of a few people is like a competition, to see who gets to this young man first. "Hello, sir..." One of the salesmen who was closer to the door took the lead and said to the young man.

When the other salesmen saw someone preempting them, they all turned and left angrily, with unwilling expressions on their faces.

These people rely on commissions to increase their income. The commission for a car sold is definitely more than they do for a year. That’s why they are so excited and have such a big deal. Variety.

When Chu Muyue heard the movement here, she also glanced here, seeing this scene, a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, this is really the era of family affairs!

"Hyundai, let's take a look at an off-road vehicle!" Chu Muyue said to Zhou Meifang with a smile.

Zhou Meifangfang nodded quickly, led the way, stretched out his hand to lead the way, and hurriedly led the way, "Please come inside. Recently, we have just got a batch of off-road vehicles in our store. You can take a look first, do you like it?

"Okay!" Chu Muyue nodded, and walked in with Chu Zhiming's arm.

I don’t know if it’s luck or bad luck. The young man who just came in also said, "Do you have an off-road vehicle in your store?"

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