Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1187: 4S shop buying a car storm 1

"Some and some, of course, Qiu Shao, please come inside!" The saleswoman heard the young man's question and nodded quickly, leading the way.

Obviously, this young man is already a regular customer here, and he is very enthusiastic about the young man, and he still knows what his name is.

"Shao Qiu, people don't want off-road vehicles! Drive sports cars, sports cars are even cooler!" The woman who was hugged by the youth whispered.

The young man glared at the woman and said, "Sports cars are outdated, and off-road vehicles are only cool now. It's domineering, you know?"

The woman seemed to disagree, but when she saw the youth’s appearance, she nodded her head with a strong smile, put her arm around Qiu Shao’s arm, and said complimentingly, “It’s still Qiu Shao that you know fashion and cars best. Listen to Shao Qiu!"

When Qiu Shao listened, a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "That is, if you want a sports car, you have it at home, and now you have an off-road vehicle. I heard that your manager said that you will get a batch of off-road vehicles recently. Look!"

"Shao Qiu, please inside. The off-road vehicles are parked in it. It will definitely satisfy you!" When the salesperson heard it, his face was full of bright smiles, and he felt that his commission had already reached 80% or 90%. It's possible.

Chu Muyue and Chu Zhiming entered the 4S shop together, a place dedicated to parking off-road vehicles.

Inside, there are similar styles, but different brands of off-road vehicles, which give people a very domineering and cold feeling at first glance.

After all, off-road jeep is represented by tough, vigorous, rugged, tough, and simple.

"Dad, which one do you want, go and see!" Chu Muyue smiled and said to Chu Zhiming beside him.

Chu Zhiming nodded, and walked forward to see the off-road vehicle, which one is better.

Now he knows the company's situation. The assets are already abundant, so you don't need to worry about the price, just buy it if you like it.

Moreover, he didn't want others to say that the car Chu Muyue bought him was too cheap, instead he would say she was ungrateful.

So what Chu Zhiming thinks now is to ignore the price of the car, as long as he likes it, and the price is moderate, and it will be able to stop those people.

Sometimes, just to see the fate, Chu Zhiming stood in front of an off-road vehicle and glanced at it. It was a jeep off-road vehicle.

Chu Zhiming circled the off-road vehicle, nodded in satisfaction, patted the body, and said to Chu Muyue, "Mu Yue, this is the car!"

Chu Muyue also saw that Chu Zhiming saw this car at a glance, and she also liked this car, nodded, "Okay, just buy this one, Miss Zhou, how much does this car cost? Do you still need to make an appointment?"

Hearing Chu Muyue's words, Zhou Meifang, the salesperson of the 4S store, had a dazed expression on her face.

She didn't expect that Chu Muyue and the others really wanted to buy this off-road vehicle.

What she thinks, how she feels, Chu Muyue and others are not like people who want to buy.

"You... are you saying you want to buy?" Zhou Meifang stared at Chu Muyue and asked with a look of astonishment.

Chu Muyue nodded, seeing her appearance, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I want to buy it, why? Don't you sell it?"

"!" Zhou Meifang shook his head quickly, then turned to ask Chu Zhiming, "It's just that the price of this car is a bit expensive, and it takes more than one million to get it all right!"

"More than one million?" When Chu Zhiming heard it, his brows frowned. This is not buying a car, but buying a house!

No, even buying a house is not so expensive!

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