Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1188: 4S shop buying car storm 2

"Isn't it more than one million? Yes!" Chu Muyue waved his hand indifferently.

Chu Zhiming hesitantly called Chu Muyue, "Mu Yue..."

Chu Muyue smiled at Chu Zhiming and said comfortingly, "Dad, it's okay!"

Seeing Chu Muyue's firm eyes, Chu Zhiming could only helplessly sigh in his heart, since his daughter wants her to buy it, then buy it.

"Well, we like this car very much, just this one!" Chu Muyue patted the car cover and said to Zhou Meifang.

There was a smile on Zhou Meifang's face, and the joy that could not be concealed. Auto 4S shop salespersons all rely on commissions to increase their income. Only when one sells one can they get more salary.

Now that Chu Muyue has asked for this car, Zhou Meifang is of course happy. This is equivalent to a huge increase in her salary this month. This is the first business she did when she came to the car dealership.

Zhou Meifang turned around happily and asked Chu Zhiming, "Then Mr. Chu, do you want to pay in full or take a loan?"

Chu Zhiming didn't answer, but Chu Muyue said indifferently, "Full amount! Help us handle it!"

After all, in Zhou Meifang's heart, the person who paid should be the father, not the daughter.

"Okay, please wait, I...I'll get the documents right away!" Zhou Meifang did not understand what Chu Muyue said, and did not know that it was the daughter who paid the money, not the father. At this time, she only had The commission, with a bright smile on his face, bowed slightly to Chu Muyue and the others, and then quickly turned and left.

"Dad, how do you feel when you look at it?" Chu Muyue walked forward with a smile and asked Chu Zhiming.

Chu Zhiming nodded and said, "Very good, just this one, but I don't know what the price is!"

"Dad, you still told me the price. If I can't buy you a car, my company won't open it!" When Chu Zhiming said the price to himself, Chu Muyue's face showed a little bit. He said with a displeased look.

Seeing that Chu Muyue was angry, Chu Zhiming quickly smiled and comforted, "Don't be angry, Dad is not worried that your company's capital turnover will not come!"

Although Chu Zhiming did not manage the company, he felt painful for the company's construction projects and daily expenses. With so much money, it was not the cost of materials or the wages of the workers. He was worried about Chu Muyue's funds. Turnaround can't come.

Only the real relatives will consider themselves.

If it were Chu Zhicheng and the others, wouldn't it be good to think about spending money every day, and how to save it? That's a fantasy.

"Don't worry, Dad, if I can't even turn this amount of funds, I don't have to start a company!" Chu Muyue patted Chu Zhiming's shoulder comfortingly, don't worry him.

For Chu Zhiming's nurturing grace, Chu Muyue had long wanted to repay, and wanted to make his life better.

However, the uprightness of being a soldier, and the character that he cultivated in the army when he was young, made him not take these seriously.

Even if Chu Muyue is rich now, Chu Zhiming doesn't have much demand for these.

However, because of Chu Zhiming's character, she wanted to make him live a better life.

While Chu Muyue was talking with Chu Zhiming, Qiu Shao, who had just come in, also followed the salesperson of this 4S shop to enter and select the off-road vehicles here.

I don't know if this luck is good or bad, Qiu Shao also values ​​the off-road vehicle that Chu Zhiming has been fond of.

"This car is not bad, the young master wants it?"

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