Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1190: 4S shop buying a car storm 4

"Cough cough cough..." Chu Zhiming was a little embarrassed because of what Chu Muyue said. After coughing a few times, he turned his head and glared helplessly. What the **** did you say!

Chu Muyue looked at the salesperson jokingly with a light smile on her face.

"Qiu Shao!" The salesman turned his head and looked aggrieved at the brightly dressed Qiu Shao.

However, this Qiu Shao at this time was looking at Chu Muyue's body with stunning and lustful eyes.

Qiu Shao didn't expect to see here such a pure and elegant girl as Chu Muyue. This is the most special among the women he has ever met. He has never encountered it before. of.

The beautiful woman who was hugged by Qiu Shao was very angry when she saw the expression on Qiu Shao's face. She turned her head and stared at Chu Muyue bitterly.

This Sao Tizi dare to seduce Qiu Shao in front of her!

"Shao Qiu, people like this car so much. Shall we buy it?" The woman put her arms around Qiu Shao's arm, whistling and acting like a baby, the tall thing on her chest squeezed Qiu Shao's arm.

Qiu Shao was pulled back by the woman's shaking, but she acted like a baby directly ignoring the woman. "My name is Qiu Xiaogang, the general manager of the Qiumao Building. I don't know the name of the lady?"

Chu Muyue cast a cold glance at Qiu Shao, don't think she only noticed the attitude of the salesperson towards them just now, but didn't notice that this guy looked at her with that kind of eyes.

"Who am I, you are not qualified to know!"

People respect me and I respect others, Chu Muyue speaks very coldly.

Qiu Xiaogang didn't expect that his hot face would touch Chu Muyue's cold ass.

Moreover, no one has ever treated him with such an attitude after hearing his identity.

The woman standing next to Qiu Xiaogang saw the scene of this trip, not to mention how happy she was. The eyes looking at Chu Muyue were gloating.

In her heart, Chu Muyue's behavior is to dig her own grave!

"Shao Qiu, look, this **** looks down on you so much, it doesn't give you any face!" The woman pointed at Chu Muyue with a slender finger and complained to Qiu Xiaogang.

The smile on Qiu Xiaogang's face was already stiff. Hearing what the woman he had brought with him, his smile disappeared instantly and turned into anger.

He is not only the general manager of the Qiumao Building, but also the son of the owner of the Qiumao Building. This Qiumao Building will be his in the future.

In his capacity, Chu Muyue dared to ignore him so much.

Qiu Xiaogang turned his head and glanced at the off-road vehicle next to him, with an arrogant look on his face, "This off-road vehicle was first seen by Qiu Xiaogang, and no one wants to take it away!"

With these words, the faces of the women and salesmen Qiu Xiaogang brought with him suddenly showed a triumphant smile.

Originally, they were worried that Qiu Xiaogang would be confused by Chu Muyue, but now, Chu Muyue digs his own grave, not giving Qiu Xiaogang face.

Qiu Xiaogang was very angry now, and seemed to be ready to teach Chu Muyue a lesson.

"Have you heard it? This is what Qiu Shao is interested in. As long as Qiu Shao is interested in it, there is nothing Qiu Shao can't get!" The woman snorted and looked at Chu Muyue mockingly.

"Really?" A cold light flashed through Chu Muyue's dark eyes, but her voice was surprisingly flat.

Qiu Mao Building, really thought she was muddled by Chu Muyue? Will she give up if she just says an identity?

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