Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1191: 4S shop buying a car storm 5

At this moment, Zhou Meifang walked over with a partially filled-in document, "Mr. Chu!"

Chu Muyue turned to look at Zhou Meifang, with a slightly cold tone, "Miss Zhou, I don't know how your 4S store receives guests, can't we buy the cars in your 4S store?"

Zhou Meifang was taken aback and looked at Chu Muyue puzzledly.

Because I had been filling in the contents of the contract just now, I didn't pay attention to the situation here, now I heard Chu Muyue's words, I was a little confused.

"We have already taken a fancy to this car, but your other salespersons don't let us buy it. Hehe, what is the reason?" Chu Muyue turned his head coldly and swept to the salesperson.

Zhou Meifang turned to look at the salesperson, "Team... Team leader, what's going on?"

Chu Muyue's words made Zhou Meifang feel very uneasy. It seemed that her commission was going to be ruined.

The salesman snorted at Zhou Meifang, and all the anger he would take from Chu Muyue was spilled on her body, "What else? This car is what Qiu Shao is interested in, but you sell it yourself. For others, is this how you work?"

Zhou Meifang was so questioned by the leader of her team, she felt very wronged. She didn't know this at all, so how could she be said to be her!

"Team leader! I didn't. You didn't tell me that this car is scheduled!" Zhou Meifang still struggled with reason, not only for his own commission, but also for his own grievances.

Obviously, this kind of scheduled vehicle will tell them in advance, but she has not received the notice!

The salesperson's face was very ugly, he looked like pig liver, and he didn't expect that his subordinates would grind their teeth with him, and gnash their teeth, "Qiu Shao has already booked this car. You are just a latecomer, of course. It’s for Shao Qiu! And, just by you? I’m afraid I can’t even afford a tire, so I’ll install it here!"

Chu Muyue spoke leisurely, "Didn't I tell you earlier? You are not my dad's junior. How do you know that we can't afford this car?"

Hearing this, the salesperson laughed instead, pointing to the clothes on Chu Muyue and Chu Zhiming, "The country folks go into the city, and you don’t pee and look in the mirror. What you wear is on the floor. Can the clothes sold for more than ten and twenty yuan compare with Qiu Shao?"

Chu Zhiming lowered his head and glanced at his clothes. Indeed, as the salesperson said, his clothes were indeed only 20 yuan.

However, there is no lack of it at home, he is saving, and he is reluctant to wear those expensive clothes.

Chu Muyue is not the kind of person who pursues material satisfaction. He just feels that everything is what he wants. In daily life, he doesn't have to wear brand-name clothes.

But I didn't expect that such a move would make others look down upon.

"Hehehe, if I can pay for this off-road vehicle, will you pay me? Or, can this young master Qiu pay for me?" Chu Muyue looked at the salesman and Qiu Xiaogang I'm spinning back and forth.

Upon hearing this, not only the salesperson laughed, but even Qiu Xiaogang and his woman laughed mockingly.

"It's up to you?" Qiu Xiaogang pointed at Chu Muyue arrogantly, and said indifferently, "As long as you can take out the car money, I will pay for you, Master!"

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