Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1206: The Four Besieged by Reporters 2

"I think she is stupid!" Chu Shishu snorted coldly, her eyes flashed with envy and hatred, and said mockingly, "If this is the case, then we won't give her any face and step on her reputation. See if she can start a company in the future!"

In the past, it was her family who had money, it should be Chu Muyue and the others who were fond of them.

However, since Chu Zhicheng's company was investigated for tax evasion and tax evasion, the company was shut down, and the company of his mother's mother-in-law, Ma's family, was also implicated. Not only did it close down, but also owed a debt to them, which made their lives miserable.

Now, knowing that Chu Muyue not only started a company by herself, but also had so much money, more than before, Chu Shishu was so jealous, how could this be possible.

For a long time, just because Chu Muyue didn't even know her own life experience, it was the wild species who could survive with their Chu family, and now they are living better than her.

Chu Xueyang also agreed with Chu Shishu's words. The rare two girls stood together, "We must not just let her go!"

"Then let's go to those reporters and break some news, I don't believe that together, the four of us can't beat Chu Muyue alone!" Chu Shishu said whimsically.

"That's right, the newspaper that placed us here, let's report to them again!" Chu Xueyang said without realizing the current situation.

Now, a small house where the four of them live is provided to them by a newspaper.

They didn't need to worry about accommodation and food, they were all delivered by special people. All four of them thought that the situation of this matter was not that bad.

I didn't know, those people didn't believe what they said anymore.

However, what they don't even know is that this newspaper was actually arranged by Chu Muyue, deliberately creating an illusion for them.

"It's almost time. The newspaper guy should have brought us lunch too. We can just talk to them later!" Ma Yonglan looked at the time and said.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come!" Chu Shishu's eyes lit up when they heard the knock on the door.

They just thought that the one who knocked on the door was the one who brought them lunch.

However, when they opened the door, they saw a group of four or five reporters carrying long guns and short cannons at them.

"Excuse me, are you Chu Shishu and Chu Xueyang?" When the reporter saw them, he immediately asked.

When asked about their identities suddenly, both Chu Shishu and Chu Xueyang nodded subconsciously, "Yes! Are you?"

"Hello, we are reporters from XX newspaper!"

"Hello, I am a reporter from XX Magazine, and I want to ask you something!"

"You are Chu Shishu and Chu Xueyang? We have some questions about your bullying Chu Muyue!"

"Hello, we are asking you some questions for your recent slander of Chu Muyue and his company!"

As soon as the reporters confirmed the identities of Chu Shishu and Chu Xueyang, they began a wave of frantic bombardment.

The reporters entered the room one by one.

I didn't know if it was magic tricks or the small aisles of the stairs. I only saw some people. As soon as Chu Shishu and the others retreated into the house, a dozen reporters, photographers and videographers came in.

And, all of a sudden, I asked them with a questioning tone.

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