Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1207: The Four Besieged by Reporters 3

"What happened?" Ma Yonglan and Chu Zhixin, who were still sitting in the living room of the house, didn't know what happened, and stood up and asked.

Both Chu Shishu and Chu Xueyang ran up to them, "Mom, these people are all reporters!"

"Reporter?" Ma Yonglan was stunned, a little surprised and puzzled. They hadn't even gone to the newspaper office yet, but they actually came, but did they come a little more?

There were too many people talking just now, and it was very noisy, and the voices of inquiries were superimposed, causing Ma Yonglan to not hear exactly what they were saying.

If you know what they are asking, you won't have this idea.

"Hello, you are Chu Muyue's uncle Ma Yonglan!" A reporter handed the microphone to Ma Yonglan and said.

"Yes!" Ma Yonglan nodded, a little startled.

The other reporters confirmed her identity and also handed out their own microphones.

These reporters were able to come here because they knew their identities and their appearances. The inquiries now are only routine inquiries.

"Hello, I am a reporter from XX newspaper. I came here today to ask if you were also involved in the case of Chu Muyue being trafficked? Was it the Chu Muyue abduction case led by you!"

"Hello, Mr. Chu, I don't know, your wife Ding Chunhong abducted Chu Muyue, do you know, have you also participated in this incident?"

"Hello, Ma Yonglan, I am a journalist from XXX magazine. Your son failed because he bullied Chu Muyue, but instead he abolished his little brother. Is this true? Also, your son is trying to retaliate against Chu Muyue. , Want to do something wrong with her?"

"Hello, I heard that you used to bully Chu Muyue often, but now you want to get a thank-you report. Isn't it a bit too much to do this!"

"According to the investigation, your relatives have done things that hurt Chu Muyue. For example, Mrs. Chu, your son called a gangster to bully Chu Muyue and failed, but was caught by the police!"

"And Mr. Chu, your wife Ding Chunhong, abducting Chu Muyue failed, the police just swept Chu Muyue back to the den, and instead arrested your wife, what reason are you planning to use to make Chu Muyue right? Are you repaying your favor?"

The reporters asked questions one by one. They all stood on Chu Muyue's side and helped her to speak, which made Ma Yonglan's four faces unsightly.

Just now Chu Shishu and Chu Xueyang, who were the first to be bombarded by the reporters, suffocated when they heard the reporters' inquiries again.

"Who are you guys? Are you all reporters invited by Chu Muyue? Are you all helping Chu Muyue!" Chu Xueyang yelled at the reporters angrily, like a **** cursing the street.

"Obviously we are the victims, how can you help Chu Muyue speak! She is rich now, shouldn't she help relatives like us? Without our Chu family, she would have starved to death. It was Chu Muyue. The family raised her!" Chu Shishu also questioned the reporters angrily.

However, when these questions were heard in the ears of these reporters, they only felt very harsh and ridiculous, and their eyes were full of ridicule and contempt.

Although these reporters were specially arranged by Chu Muyue to interview them, their biggest purpose is to report their negative content, but before asking a few words, they exposed their ugly faces. How can they not be shocked? What?

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