Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1208: The Four Besieged by Reporters 4

These reporters have seen many shameless people, but they have never seen such shameless people like Chu Xueyang.

Although they were all arranged by Chu Muyue, in the face of Chu Xueyang's cheeks, some people who couldn't see it were coldly mocking and asking, "Then I want to confirm whether you have bullied Chu before. What happened to Mu Yue? Did your relatives hurt Chu Mu Yue?"

"Did your brother ever lead people to trouble Chu Muyue?" a reporter handed the microphone to Chu Shishu and asked.

Another reporter also handed the microphone to Chu Xueyang and asked, "Is your mother going to abduct Chu Muyue?"

Listening to the reporter's question, Chu Xueyang felt anger in her heart. She has no idea how many times she has been asked about this matter.

Moreover, because of this incident, she was forced to drop out of school and work hard outside.

If she could, she would not recognize that mother again, even if Ding Chunhong treated her well before being imprisoned.

"What are you asking me for! I didn't do this thing!" Chu Xueyang waved angrily and yelled at the reporter.

The reporter was not surprised at Chu Xueyang's reaction, and still asked calmly, "Then this matter is true!"

Chu Xueyang yelled angrily, "So what! That was not what I did. What do you mean by asking me like this, don't you want to impose this crime on me!"

The reporter listened with sneers in his heart, really shameless.

A male reporter handed his microphone in front of Chu Zhixin and asked, "Mr. Chu, since you have done things that are sorry for Chu Muyue, why should Chu Muyue help you! And as a man, you have What face makes Chu Muyue, a junior, give you money?"

Chu Zhixin's entire face flushed red, staring at the male reporter, panting for breath.

The men here cast a despised look at Chu Zhixin.

What's so special, this is still not a man, nor is it the 21st century **** of Chu Zhou, who asked Chu Muyue to give them money! Shameless!

Even if there is no Ding Chunhong's thing, as a man, he shouldn't do such a thing.

Chu Xueyang was angry and shouted at the reporter, "Why can't it! Do you think my dad doesn't want to work? My dad's arm is injured and he can't do physical work, and he can't make money!"

If it weren't for Chu Zhixin's arm, she wouldn't have been forced to drop out of school, and this was also because there was no money for him to go to school.

Every time he thinks about this, Chu Xueyang is extremely angry, that man actually committed such a cruel hand.

"Even if you can't work, do you really feel that you have the face to ask for money from Chu Muyue? Do you want her to know her reward? Did Chu Muyue take your money? It seems to say that you have raised Chu Muyue. Yue?" The reporter sneered and asked Ma Yonglan and the others mockingly.

"Of course I have taken it!" Chu Shishu and Chu Xueyang are very confident, they have taken it, how could Chu Muyue have not taken it.

However, when they said this, Ma Yonglan and Chu Zhixin were both very guilty, and they were afraid to see the reporters.

How could they ever give Chu Muyue money? Not a dime? To give it to Chu Shishu and the others.

"Mrs. Chu, what's your expression? Haven't you ever given Chu Muyue a penny?" A reporter asked, looking at Ma Yonglan with sharp eyes.

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