Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1210: Where is the parent's grave 2

The Chu family's affairs are being handled very well now. Chu Muyue also asked Ling Hong to let the lawyer find them next, preparing to sue them for harming her and the company's image and reputation, and asking them to compensate for their mental losses.

After handling the company's affairs, Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan returned home to cook dinner and have dinner with Chu Zhiming.

After dinner, Chu Muyue looked at Chu Zhiming from time to time, "Dad, what happened to the Chu family, do you know?"

"Well, I see, I did a good job, so they should remember the lesson this time, and dare not come to trouble you in the future!" Chu Zhiming nodded and said in agreement.

Chu Muyue smiled and said, "If you are satisfied, Dad, I will sue them next and let them compensate for my mental loss!"

"Can they give money?" Chu Zhiming frowned and asked Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue shook her head, "Although it is not certain whether they will give it or not, at least they must be given eye drops!"

"Yeah! Okay!" Chu Zhiming nodded, with a look of emotion on his face, "You child has grown up, and I can be considered worthy of your parents. I think they are underground, and they are also very happy!"

Listening to Chu Zhiming's words, Chu Muyue bit his chopsticks and asked hesitantly, "Dad, can you tell me where their tomb is? Qingming is coming soon, I...I want to sweep them! "

If it weren't for Chu Zhiming to talk about his parents now, Chu Muyue would really not dare to ask.

Hearing Chu Muyue's question, Chu Zhiming still frowned and said, "It's dangerous over there, you... don't go!"

When Chu Muyue heard it, she glanced at Xiao Junyan beside her and said, "It's okay!"

Xiao Junyan also rarely said, "I will accompany you!"

He knew that Chu Muyue had never gone to worship her parents since she knew her life experience, and she must be very bitter in her heart.

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Chu Zhiming was taken aback. He was the captain of the special brigade, and that kind of place should be very simple.

"That's it!" Chu Zhiming hesitated and nodded, "Okay! In this case, I can tell you it is fine. Your parents lived in Shennongjia in Qingjiang. I'll give you pointers on where you are going. your!"

After receiving Chu Zhiming's reply, Chu Muyue's face showed a bright smile, "Thank you Dad!"

However, Chu Muyue did not expect that her parents lived in Shennongjia back then.

I heard that there are many forest beasts in Shennongjia, and many of them have a certain degree of wisdom. Ordinary people will die in nine deaths.

Although Shennongjia said in later generations that there was development tourism, it was only a small circle outside. No one wanted to go in and investigate the innermost one. I heard that it was mysterious and strange. The magnetic field was chaotic and sophisticated. None of them can be used.

It's no wonder that Chu Zhiming would say that it's dangerous over there and it's not suitable for her to go.

"This time, although the place is very dangerous, the environment is very beautiful. It can be seen that when your parents chose it, they also spent a lot of time!" Chu Zhiming's eyes are full of nostalgia, as if passing through time and space. , I saw the scene sixteen years ago.

The corners of Chu Muyue's lips rose slightly, and she nodded gently, "Well, I think they must be very happy back then!"

"Indeed!" Chu Zhiming nodded.

Xiao Junyan looked at the mist slowly emerging from Chu Muyue's eyes, gently comforting, "They will definitely be proud of you!"



The novel is fictitious, don’t check the number of seats in the city where Shennongjia is located^_^

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