Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1211: Where is the parent's grave 3

On Ching Ming Festival, Chu Muyue wanted to worship his biological parents, and Xiao Junyan also needed to worship his father.

As a mother, Tang Yalan called to ask when Xiao Junyan could go home on Ching Ming Festival.

Xiao Junyan sat on the chair, his eyes gleaming and apologized, "Mom, I can't go back this time on Ching Ming Festival!"

"Can't come back? You are not going abroad for missions. Are you not coming back? I couldn't contact you before. If you have missions, you don’t need to come back. Don’t you want to come back now?” Tang Yalan didn’t immediately stop. Done, questioning Xiao Junyan angrily.

Xiao Junyan gave a rare explanation and said a paragraph, "Junior sister and her dead biological parents are separated. For the first time this year, I know the area where her parents’ tombs are located. It’s just that the place is very dangerous and needs my protection. If there is no me, she will I have lost my first chance to worship on Qingming Festival!"

Compared with Chu Muyue's parents who are no longer alive, and can't worship, he feels that he is already very happy.

Although he also wanted to worship his father, Chu Muyue was not as lucky as he was able to worship every year. If he didn't go this time, I didn't know when he would be able to worship.

It is rare that Chu Zhiming agreed to take Chu Muyue to the place where her biological parents were because of him.

He thought that his father would not disagree with his decision.

And because of his mission in previous years, he couldn't go to the Ching Ming Festival in time and make up for it after the festival.

Hearing Xiao Junyan's explanation, Tang Yalan fell silent. After a while, she sighed and said, "Well, in that case, then you go with your junior sister and protect her!"

Tang Yalan didn't expect that Xiao Junyan's junior sister would have such a tragic life experience, and it would be so difficult for even the opportunity to worship his parents on Qingming Festival.

That being the case, she, an elder, can't be so incomprehensible. This year, she will let her son accompany his younger sister.

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded softly, "Thank you mom!"

"If you want to thank you, marry your junior sister home! Mom will definitely love her!" Tang Yalan snorted coldly and ordered.

"Yes, Mom, I will!" Xiao Junyan showed a gentle smile on his handsome face.

With the words of his own mother, he was also relieved.

"It's best to do it! I will explain this matter to you. You will have to take his daughter-in-law to see him next year!" Tang Yalan commanded Xiao Junyan domineeringly.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Okay, I will!"

Next year, Chu Muyue should be an adult, and should be able to meet his father with him.

"When you are in Linshi, you should also take good care of yourself, eat regularly and eat more!" Tang Yalan reminded.

"Junior Sister will stare at me to eat!" Xiao Junyan said, trying hard to say good things for Chu Muyue.

Tang Yalan was a little dumb when she heard it. Before she said anything, Xiao Junyan spoke again, "She is not by my side, let me record, she will check it!"

"Puff!" Hearing Xiao Junyan's addition, Tang Yalan couldn't help but smirked, "Hahaha, your junior sister did a great job!"

Why didn't he think of it before?

However, it also depends on whether Xiao Junyan listens to her, and now there is finally a girl who can control her son.

"You will bring your junior sister back as soon as possible!" Tang Yalan now wants to see Chu Muyue more and more.

She wanted to see what kind of woman it was that she was so capable and submissive of her son.

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