Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1213: Depart from Qingjiang City 2

Chu Muyue didn't know that the Xiao family didn't go to the Xiao family because Xiao Junyan did not go to the Xiao family for her, and there were some arguments, which made Erfang want to investigate her situation.

At this time, all Chu Muyue's thoughts fell on preparing to go to Shennongjia.

After all, since childhood, this was the first time she went to see her parents, although they might have passed away, but she still had to look for them.

Because I had to fly to Shennongjia, I didn't know if Chu Zhiming could find that seat at once, so I went two days in advance.

With Chu Muyue's grades and current status, it can be said that it is very easy to take a two-day vacation, and the school immediately approved it.

There was only one day of class on Monday, and after the last class, Chu Muyue was ready to go home.

The students in the class thought that Chu Muyue was because of the company, and only Yuan Xiao knew the reason.

"Mu Yue, you must be careful when you go to Shennongjia this time!" Ouyang Mengxi worriedly shook Chu Muyue's hand and said as a reminder.

Chu Muyue smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, I will pay attention to safety!"

"I heard that there are many wild people and many wild beasts in Shennongjia!" Mu Zhitong also looked at Chu Muyue worriedly, "Should we not go?"

"What are you worried about? Those savages are not as good as Mu Yue's skills!" Yan Yu rolled his eyes, but said in disapproval, "You haven't seen Mu Yue's skills!"

An Ziyun glared at Yan Yu and retorted, "Even if Mu Yue's skill is good, it's a primitive jungle, very dangerous!"

Listening to the concern of several friends, Chu Muyue’s mouth was filled with happy smiles, comforting everyone, “Don’t worry, it’s okay, Brother Xiao will accompany me, we two will join hands, there shouldn’t be any problems. !"

"Well, your Senior Brother Xiao is very powerful, if he protects you, it will be fine!" Mu Zhitong nodded and said with a smile.

Wu Hongjun frowned and reminded Chu Muyue, "However, no matter what, you still have to pay attention to safety and bring more medicine. In the forest, especially mosquitoes, snakes and rats are the most!"

"Well, I have prepared a lot of medicine!" Chu Muyue nodded, even if they didn't say anything, she would have prepared it.

It was the first time for her to go to that kind of primitive jungle, and she didn't know what was going on inside.

In her space, a lot of medicines and essential supplies have already been prepared.

However, with Chu Zhiming, it is estimated that sometimes there is no way to take it out.

"When are you going to come back?" Yuan Xiao asked concerned.

Chu Muyue thought for a while, and said, "I should be back after the worship, and I will be able to go to class probably next week!"

"The time is not very long, then we wait for you to come back!" Yuan Xiao nodded and looked at Chu Muyue, "Be careful on the road! Come back if you are in danger!"

"I know, don't worry, I'm leaving first, and I need to prepare my luggage when I go back. I have to catch a plane tomorrow morning!" Chu Muyue waved to Zhong and you, and said.

"We will send you out!" Wu Hongjun and the others said together, sending Chu Muyue away.


At this time, Xiao Junyan had parked the car at the school gate, waiting for Chu Muyue. He also asked for leave with the military area, so he came to pick up Chu Muyue early.

Seeing Chu Muyue get in the car, several people waved reluctantly and sent her away.

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