Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1214: Depart from Qingjiang City 3

Before leaving, Chu Zhiming gave Chu Muyue the military map of Shennongjia prepared by Xiao Junyan sixteen years ago and now, with an area drawn on it.

This area is where Chu Muyue's biological parents were. There are still some differences between the maps 16 years ago and the current map.

"It's this area, you can find more when you come!" Chu Zhiming reminded, "There is a small river nearby, and there is a cliff a few hundred meters away. If you find these two landmarks, you should be able to find it!"

"Okay, I get it!" Chu Muyue nodded, and stuffed the map that Chu Zhiming had passed into her backpack.

Originally, Chu Zhiming wanted to go, but Chu Muyue refused.

Chu Zhiming originally refused to agree, but Chu Muyue reminded him of the company's affairs to look more at the company's affairs when she was away.

She went to the forest, and she probably couldn't get in touch. If she wants to get in touch at that time, just ask Chu Zhiming to contact Ye Tianming.

Hearing Chu Muyue's reason for persuasion, Chu Zhiming also felt uneasy about the company.

After all, the Chu family's affairs have not been completely dealt with yet, and the lawsuit is still in progress. He has to watch it, lest the Chu family do any small actions and agree.

With Xiao Junyan with him, Chu Zhiming was somewhat relieved.

Fortunately, Xiao Junyan was fully prepared for travel, and he took a map 16 years ago and asked Chu Zhiming to find the direction of the area.

Given Xiao Junyan's position in the army, it would be easy to want this kind of thing.

"Be careful along the way, don't force it!" Chu Zhiming worriedly asked Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan.

Chu Muyue nodded and waved to Chu Zhiming, "I see, Dad, don't worry, we have to catch the plane, so I won't say more!"

Xiao Junyan had already started the car and stared at Chu Muyue.

"Be careful all the way!" Chu Zhiming waved to the two of Xiao Junyan sitting in the car.

"Dad, you go back!"

Saying goodbye to Chu Zhiming, Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan flew to Shennongjia by plane.

To Shennongjia, everything was arranged by Xiao Junyan. After getting off the plane, I got on the car and drove there.

Chu Muyue sat in the co-pilot looking at the map, pointing the direction.

The road of Shennongjia is said to be difficult and difficult to walk, and it is not difficult to walk. It is much easier to walk than it was 16 years ago. There are roads in many places.

Although it was a dirt road, it was able to drive off-road vehicles.

During this trip, a lot of things were prepared in the car, all of which were thrown into the space by Chu Muyue.

Fortunately, Chu Zhiming didn't follow, and they could now enter the Shennongjia Forest with light equipment without being too tired.

Xiao Junyan drove some way into Shennongjia, but there was no way, so he could only park the off-road vehicle in a piece of grass.

Xiao Junyan glanced around, "Just here, there is no way ahead!"

"Okay!" Chu Muyue nodded, opened the door and jumped out of the car first.

At this time, Chu Muyue was also wearing simple casual clothes and long boots.

In the forest, there are snakes, insects, rats and ants everywhere, as well as unknown plants. For safety's sake, wearing long trousers and boots is the best.

This was also what Xiao Junyan prepared for Chu Muyue. Although Chu Muyue looked best in a dress, he was going to the primitive jungle and he didn't know the danger, so it was safer.

There is space, and the car is not a living thing. It was thrown into the space by Chu Muyue directly, so there is no need to worry about the car parked here and someone stolen it.

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