Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1215: Depart from Qingjiang City 4

"There is no house in the mountains, we will camp out from today!" Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue with concern and reminded, "Can you?"

In the sixteen years, the forest has changed a lot, and the growth of the trees in the sixteen years has changed a lot, so even if you remember the path that year.

But who can guarantee that some trees will grow on this road, and there will be no traces of that road again.

Therefore, even Chu Zhiming could only find an approximate area of ​​the year, and he did not know that he would stay in the forest for a few days.

"You can do it, why can't I?" Chu Muyue stared at Xiao Junyan unconvinced.

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue's firm eyes, nodded, and took her hand, "Follow me, be careful!"

Chu Muyue smiled and nodded, and followed Xiao Junyan, "Hmm!"

Shennongjia has not yet developed tourism. When you enter it, there are tall trees and there is not even a decent road. They all use a compass to identify the direction.

The entire Shennongjia is full of trees, and you can hardly see much of the sky when you look up, all of which are blocked by dense branches.

The ground was still wet, and it felt like sinking when stepped on.

This should also be related to the fact that sunlight cannot penetrate the trees and penetrate the ground, and the water vapor cannot evaporate, and it looks a little wet.

Xiao Junyan held Chu Muyue's hand tightly and led her forward, for fear that she would step on the air or trip over something on the ground.

Although it is daytime, in this dense forest, it is difficult to see that it is daytime. It is a little overcast and the air is wet.

"Brother Xiao, have you ever entered Shennongjia?" Chu Muyue asked Xiao Junyan curiously as he walked.

Xiao Junyan shook his head and said, "No, only in the primitive jungles of foreign countries, not in the country!"

As the Blue Sword Special Brigade, almost all of the missions performed were overseas. It is estimated that they have traveled all over the jungles of foreign countries, but they have never traveled to China.

Just thinking that walking like this is a bit boring, Chu Muyue asked curiously, "So is the foreign one the same as the domestic one? Is it the same as Shennongjia?"

"Almost, but more stuffy!" Xiao Junyan was silent for a moment and explained to Chu Muyue, "There are more insects and ants!"

Chu Muyue nodded lightly, a sly flash flashed under her eyes, and asked Xiao Junyan, "Then, teach me how to survive in the wild, and what should I pay attention to!"

Xiao Junyan turned his head and glanced at Chu Muyue, did not see her cunning, bowed his head and pondered for a moment, feeling that more knowledge would not harm him, "Okay!"

Although I don't know if Chu Muyue will go to any foreign jungle, but now they are walking in Shennongjia, knowing more about it is also very beneficial.

The rare, not talkative Xiao Junyan, carefully explained Chu Muyue.

As long as it can be good for Chu Muyue, even Xiao Junyan, who doesn't like to talk, can hardly speak a lot.

For the sake of Chu Muyue, he could not even have his life, let alone just say a few more words?

I usually don’t talk too much, but in order to let Chu Muyue know more about it and make it easier to understand, he talked a little bit, which made Chu Muyue laugh secretly in her heart, and she felt very warm and proud. A man can do it. Changing so much for her is also an achievement and happiness.

If Ye Tianming were here, he would have to laugh at the sky and laugh at Xiao Junyan. With a younger sister, his words could change a lot.

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