Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1216: You have me in your life 1

Xiao Junyan and Chu Muyue were in the forest, searching for the house they were looking for for a whole day.

Although it has been sixteen or seventeen years old, even the wooden houses built in the forest will not disappear after more than ten years without repairs, and there will definitely be some traces.

Although I was looking for the place where Chu Muyue's biological parents once lived in Shennongjia, I saw a lot of wild Chinese medicinal materials on the road.

Moreover, the farther inside, the longer the annual fee of Chinese medicinal materials, which made Chu Muyue very excited and excited, and less irritable and disappointed that he could not find his destination.

Xiao Junyan was originally worried that Chu Muyue would be a little unhappy because she could not find a place, but now that she has dug up some good-year-old Chinese medicinal materials, her mood has recovered a lot, and she is a little relieved.

If he knew where Chu Muyue's parents were, he would definitely have taken Chu Muyue with him long ago, and he would definitely not want to see Chu Muyue's expression.

"I didn't expect that there are so many medicinal materials in Shennongjia! It's a worthwhile trip!" Chu Muyue dug out a medicinal plant, with a bright smile on his face.

Xiao Junyan stood beside Chu Muyue, watching her hands full of mud, but didn't scold her, just smiled softly, "If you like it, you can collect more!"

"Although we have to collect, our mission this time is to find the place where my parents lived before, to see if there is any whereabouts of them, or if they have left anything, although more than ten years have passed, And it's still in this primitive jungle. It's best to find it, and it's no way if you can't find it!" Chu Muyue said with a slightly dim expression.

Chu Muyue actually didn't have much expectation in her heart to find what her parents left for her, just want to see where she was born.

Hearing Chu Zhiming said that his parents were chased and killed back then. I don't know if they have anything to do now. If they die, will they be eaten by wild beasts? Chu Muyue is unwilling to think about it.

Xiao Junyan swept Chu Muyue into his arms, patted her on the back lightly, "It's okay, I'll find it!"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded gently, put the medicinal materials in her hand into the space, raised her head again, and said to Xiao Junyan, "Let's go ahead and find it as soon as possible!"

Xiao Junyan nodded, took Chu Muyue and continued searching, searching according to the direction of the area on the map.

Finally, I saw a clear stream, the water is not very deep, but the stream is endless.

"Is this the little river my dad said? This is the little brook!" Chu Muyue turned to look at Xiao Junyan and asked.

Xiao Junyan looked at the map and said, "It should be this one. It should be smaller, right?"

When Chu Muyue heard the words, there was a happy smile on her face, "Then let's walk along this stream! I should be able to find it!"

Finding this creek is equivalent to finding hope and destination.

Chu Zhiming said that you can find it by walking along the direction of the water source of this stream.

Presumably, when the parents needed water, they built the house in the direction of the creek, so it was much more convenient to get water.

Thinking of the possibility, Chu Muyue felt that she was about to find it soon.

Although the circle painted by Chu Zhiming on the map is not very big, the real area is still very big, and you can't finish walking for a week.

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