Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1224: Feng Jiahui investigates Chu Muyue 4

It didn't take Chu Muyue too much time for the company's affairs. Ling Hong, An Qing and Qin Shaoyang all did a good job.

On Monday morning the next day, Chu Muyue came to the school while everyone was going to raise the national flag.

When Mu Zhitong saw Chu Muyue coming back, they all gathered around.

"You are finally here, I thought you were not coming back!" Mu Zhitong pushed Chu Muyue's shoulder and said affectionately.

Chu Muyue touched her nose and said, "I can't help it, I was a little busy. I only handled the company's affairs yesterday!"

"Just take care of it, you are also a busy person!" An Ziyun rolled her eyes at Chu Muyue and said.

Chu Muyu touched her nose, smiled slyly, and said, "It's okay!"

This time it was also because I was going to Shennongjia to look for my parents, not to deal with the company.

However, it is good for them to think so, so as not to get involved in their parents' affairs.

"However, it will be fine if you come back!" Ouyang Mengxi said with a smile, "Actually, everyone cares about you!"

Chu Muyue nodded, "I know this, then, or else, this Friday, I will go to my medicinal restaurant for dinner. I will treat you and let you eat!"

When everyone heard it, they all rolled their eyes together, "Cut!"

Yuan Xiao thought of the appearance of Chu Muyue watching a good show when everyone killed him, and couldn’t help but say, “Now, as long as we go to your medicated restaurant with our membership card, we can eat it for free. Is there any difference when we eat?"

"That's right, if you give a reason, let's eat! Or what's the difference if you ask us to eat!" Mu Zhitong nodded in agreement, stared at Chu Muyue, reminding.

Chu Muyue smiled slightly and said, "Should I cook by myself? Is this enough?"

"Well..." Everyone looked at each other and said, "All of them?"

"Of course not. I'm going with you. Where do I have other things to cook, I can only cook a small part. If I do it all, you are all hungry and full!" Chu Muyue reminded with a bit of dumbfounding. Everyone.

But, wherever I know, Mu Zhitong, Yan Yu and others answered one by one, "We won't mind!"

Chu Muyue only felt that he had received a 10,000-point crit. Was this a friend or a damaging friend?

"Well, who made me owe you!" Chu Muyue shrugged helplessly, but was secretly wondering whether he should let Xiao Junyan help him at that time!

Mu Zhitong said with satisfaction, "Hey, this is almost the same!"

An Ziyun said with some dissatisfaction, "If I can take pictures and everyone is envious, I can eat the medicated meal of the chairman of Longteng Group, then it will be fine!"

Listening to An Ziyun's words, Chu Muyue couldn't help but think of later generations, the era of advanced technology, at that time, mobile phones became more and more developed, and mobile phone software emerged in an endless stream.

There are a lot of people who share each other in the circle of friends, especially young people, even some old people.

For example, I want to show off when I go out to travel and have a delicious meal.

Thinking of the future of technological development in the future, Chu Muyue looked down slightly. The future is the Internet age, and she feels that she can still develop in this direction.

However, now she has limited energy at hand, and she can do this again after a year or two.

After all, mobile phones are not completely unpopular yet!

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