Chu Muyue has already begun to develop into the Internet age, but some people are very unoptimistic about her ability.

For example, in the second room of the Xiao family, Feng Jiahui had a closed-door meal on Tang Yalan's side, and was also taken aback. That was an irritation.

"I'm so angry. Sure enough, the little ones came from the little ones, and they don't have any big ideas!" Feng Jiahui was so angry that she sat on the sofa of her home, and her body shook with the bumps.

Xiao Kexin took out a bowl of fruit from the kitchen and looked at Feng Jiahui suspiciously, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"What else?" Feng Jiahui snorted coldly, and said, "It's not your big aunt yet, who doesn't even agree that Xiao Junyan should be separated from that dead girl!"

Thinking of Tang Yalan's decisive refusal, she felt frustrated, bored, and very angry.

She didn't expect that her sister-in-law would turn a blind eye to what she said, and told her not to interfere in Xiao Junyan's affairs.

Xiao Kexin stuffed a small piece of apple into her mouth and muttered, "Didn't he say that he still has a marriage contract? Why? Doesn't that count?"

"Who knows, after all, that girl doesn't know if it really exists or is still alive in this world!" Feng Jiahui frowned and said.

Xiao Kexin rolled her eyes at Feng Jiahui, and said angrily, "Mom, I look at you, it's stupid!"

"What? You say I'm stupid?" Feng Jiahui almost exploded when her daughter said she was stupid.

It was just said by Tang Yalan, and then by her daughter when she went home.

"Isn't it?" Xiao Kexin said naturally, "Why are you going to find your eldest aunt first, you can go to that Chu Muyue first, and tell her that Xiao Junyan whom she is fond of has a marriage contract, and will immediately If she wants to get married, don’t this end? If she wants money, we can give her money. If she wants her company to develop normally in the future, we can help, but the only requirement is not to pester Xiao Junyan!"

"That girl movie focuses on the status and ability of our Xiao family. Can she compromise?"

Feng Jiahui said in disapproval.

Even if you are a junior, you can use the power of the Xiao family, who said that you must marry into their Xiao family, so I still feel that this method is not reliable.

"Then you can take action against her company. We are a military and political coalition and threaten Chu Muyue. If she dares to pester Xiao Junyan again, then her company will not only be suppressed by our family, but also by Xiao Junyan's fiancée's family. It’s impossible for her to develop in the future!" Xiao Kexin felt that she had seen it thoroughly.

That woman came for Xiao Junyan's identity, and wanted to use his ability to make money, so she started from the aspect she cared most, cutting off her financial resources first.

"Anyway, it's the decision of our two big families, and it's not that she or a little girl can call the shots!" Xiao Kexin blinked at Feng Jiahui, reminding.

"That's it!" Feng Jiahui immediately decided upon hearing this, but then asked hesitantly, "It's just, who is going?"

"Of course you go, I still have to study, I don't have time!" Xiao Kexin stood up and said, "I'm going up to read first, and I'm going to hand in my graduation thesis soon. Very busy!"

Feng Jiahui looked at the back of Xiao Kexin's departure, thought for a moment, and could only pick up the phone, call to book a ticket, and go to Linshi to find Chu Muyue.

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