Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1229: Does Brother Xiao have a fiancé? 1

Chu Muyue glanced at Feng Jiahui coldly, but didn't get angry. Since she didn't give her face and still slandered her parents in this way, don't blame her for not showing affection.

"Hahaha, Mrs. Xiao, don't say that I am a junior and don't give you face!" Chu Muyue looked at Feng Jiahui coldly, and said, "Since you are the aunt of Brother Xiao, you should be a member of the Xiao family. Inside, it’s only you who are dissatisfied with me? If Brother Xiao’s mother is dissatisfied with me, she will definitely come over in person!"

When Feng Jiahui heard what Chu Muyue said, her angry face became somewhat unnatural.

Indeed, she had also mentioned this matter to the old man, but the old man didn't care about it at all.

Because Elder Xiao has never regarded himself as a special person, as long as he feels good character, he can enter the Xiao family.

Moreover, what Chu Muyue did first had already left a good impression on Old Man Xiao, and it was impossible for her to change his mind.

Except for Mr. Xiao, who can decide Xiao Junyan's future wife, it is Tang Yalan.

As Xiao Junyan's mother, if she is not qualified to decide, who is more qualified? She?

If she could decide, she would not have used the materials for investigating Chu Muyue to find Tang Yalan, and she would object.

Seeing Feng Jiahui's performance, Chu Muyue was even more sure of her guess, and a sneered sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Chu Muyue did not shy away from saying what was in her heart, "It seems that I was right!"

Feng Jiahui felt annoyed when she heard Chu Muyue's mocking words like this! His chest was constantly undulating.

Chu Muyue didn't seem to see Feng Jiahui staring with anger at what she said, and her mouth was deliberately irritated, "I don't know, do you come to me? Does the Xiao family know? Brother Xiao does he know? know!"

" threaten me!" Feng Jiahui called out suddenly, her voice rising.

Chu Muyue chuckled lightly and looked at Feng Jiahui mockingly, "No, I'm a junior, how can I dare to threaten your old man?"

Feng Jiahui has never been threatened by such a mocking run, and she is still being threatened by a junior in such a young grade.

She was supposed to threaten Chu Muyue instead of Chu Muyue threatening her. She couldn't bear it anymore and threatened viciously.

"Chu Muyue! Don't think that I don't know you. What is the purpose of entering our Xiao family, isn't it just to get what you want through our Xiao family's status? Tell you, even if I am not Jun Yan's biological mother, I won't let you, a lowly girl, enter our Xiao family!"

"Don't think about thinking of others like you. I like Brother Xiao, whether you can enter Xiao's house or not, it's up to you! Unless you are Brother Xiao's biological mother, I will never believe you. Anything you say!" Chu Muyue looked at Feng Jiahui with a sneer smile at the corner of her mouth.

Feng Jiahui gasped, and when Tang Yalan saw Chu Muyue's information, she was also a little surprised.

Although his life experience is a bit bad, his ability is still good.

Even if Chu Muyue used Xiao Junyan's ability to open the companies and medicated food restaurants, from the things she brewed, she knew that her ability was extraordinary.

The mother of Tang Yalan knows who her son is. Although she can hardly see her son a few times a year, it does not hinder Tang Yalan's understanding of Xiao Junyan.

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