Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1230: Does Brother Xiao have a fiancee 2

Feng Jiahui never felt that Chu Muyue, such a little girl, could have much patience. She was able to establish a company entirely because of Xiao Junyan. She was just a beneficiary from beginning to end.

Unexpectedly, Chu Muyue turned out to have such sharp teeth.

Listening to Chu Muyue's words, when was her status in the Xiao family so low!

She even said that the purpose of marrying to the Xiao family was also for the status of the Xiao family, which was simply slap her in the face.

Although Feng Jiahui was always proud of being the Xiao family, she didn't feel that she was married to the Xiao family for this reason. After all, at that time, the Xiao family did not have such a high status and status as it is now.

Chu Muyue is different now. What she did was to be able to climb onto the thigh of the Xiao family and get what she wanted.

"I have such a deep scheming at a young age, I really underestimated you!" Feng Jiahui gritted her teeth, and then gave a mocking sneer, "However, I have to remind you that Xiao Junyan has a marriage contract. Recently, we have already They are discussing their marriage! You... don't want to join the Xiao family if you don't have a chance!"

Feng Jiahui's words shocked Chu Muyue's heart slightly, and she wondered if Xiao Junyan had a marriage contract? She didn't even know!

Seeing Chu Muyue not speaking, Feng Jiahui felt very happy in her heart, thinking that Chu Muyue's spiritual defense had been overthrown.

"People who have a marriage relationship with Junyan are not ordinary families. Even if I don’t do anything, I can tell them to let them know that you will never let your plan succeed, and will let you have what you have now. The group companies are all in vain!"

It is absolutely impossible to marry into their Xiao family and gain fame and fortune!

Now what their Xiao family wants is not money, but power.

Not to mention, everything that Chu Muyue has now is given by their Xiao family, as long as they want to do it, they can all achieve better than her.

Therefore, Feng Jiahui looked down on Chu Muyue even more.

"No, it's not just your company, you won't have any money, and even you yourself will have to live on the streets!"

When Chu Muyue heard Feng Jiahui's words, she was shocked in her heart, but then she felt as though this kind of thing was reasonable.

It's just not clear whether Xiao Junyan knew about this.

However, the more you listened to Feng Jiahui's words, the more certain Chu Muyue was. It is estimated that Xiao Junyan did not know about this.

Chu Muyue sat on the sofa, lowered her eyes slightly, a cold light flashed under her eyes.

Longteng Group was established by her exhausting efforts, and now Feng Jiahui used him to threaten her.

If it weren't for the attitude of the Xiao family, and if she didn't know if she was facing Feng Jiahui now, would it affect her in the future, she felt that her momentum could not be weakened.

"Really? Then I will wait and see whether you will be troubled first or I will be troubled!" Chu Muyue raised her eyes, the coldness in her eyes did not dissipate.

Whether she trusts Xiao Junyan or not, she is bound to ask him about this matter. After all, the matter of a marriage contract is still a bit troublesome.

She didn't want Xiao Junyan to be caught between herself and her mother's relatives, or even turn against her family for her.

This kind of situation is not what she wants to see, if she can, she would prefer the harmony of the family members.

This may be because she didn't have the extravagance or wish of her biological parents since she was a child.

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