Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1231: Does Brother Xiao have a fiancee 3

"You!" Feng Jiahui stared. She didn't expect that Chu Muyue would not react at all to this, but threatened her instead.

Is she really so confident?

Chu Muyue looked at Feng Jiahui's incredibly angry expression, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"If you have nothing to do with Madam Xiao Er, I will go back to the classroom first, and I have to go to class!" Chu Muyue slowly got up and said to Feng Jiahui.

Feng Jiahui looked a little ugly, watching Chu Muyue ignore herself so much and do what she had to do.

She opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say and couldn't make a single voice.

Chu Muyue nodded gently at Feng Jiahui, turned around and left.

However, when Chu Muyue opened the door, she saw the principal Fan Hongwei stretching her neck, as if to listen to the voice inside.

When Fan Hongwei saw Chu Muyue open the door, his face suddenly showed the tangled expression of being caught, and then turned to embarrassment and blushing again.

The feeling of being caught was particularly uncomfortable. Fan Hongwei kept cursing in his heart, why the soundproofing effect of his office was so good, he couldn't hear any sound, and he didn't know that Chu Muyue was leaving.

Chu Muyue didn't care about Fan Hongwei's actions at all, and said, "Principal, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first!"

Fan Hongwei nodded quickly, only to feel that today is really ashamed.

Watching Chu Muyue leave, she looked into her office again, and saw Feng Jiahui, who had an ugly face in the room, felt very entangled. It seemed that Chu Muyue had a very bad conversation with the lady inside. what!

Fan Hongwei walked into his office hesitantly, looking at Feng Jiahui, who was a little angry, standing on the side but dared not say a word.

Feng Jiahui took a few breaths, and gradually eased the anger in her heart, turned her head to look at Fan Hongwei, "You are the principal of this school!"

Fan Hongwei was taken aback and nodded quickly, "Yes, yes!"

"Expelled Chu Muyue!" Feng Jiahui only felt that she was really embarrassed today, and she must pay a tragic price.

When Fan Hongwei heard Feng Jiahui's words, he was shocked. He didn't expect that the woman in front of him wanted her to do this!

As the principal of the school, he is naturally a little exquisite. Chu Muyue can achieve his current achievements at a young age, and he is also Secretary Duan's goddaughter. His status is extraordinary, so he has no ability to expel it!

Although the woman in front of him was called by Jingcheng to receive her, he didn't know his identity. In contrast, he was more willing to stand on Chu Muyue's side. Why should the county magistrate be in charge now!

"Madam, you want to expel Chu Muyue. Is there anything wrong with her? If so, please tell me. I can ask Chu Muyue to apologize to you first. If there is no major problem, our school is not good at expelling students at random!" Fan Hongwei could only grit his teeth and said to Feng Jiahui.

Feng Jiahui immediately stared with anger when she heard it. He didn't expect that, except for Chu Muyue not giving face to herself, even the principal of this school did not give face to her.

"Okay, very good!" Feng Jiahui could only gritted her teeth and swallowed her anger in her stomach, picked up her bag and left angrily.

Chu Muyue didn't know what happened in the principal's office. She only attended her own class. Of course, Mu Zhitong and others asked what happened to the principal.

Chu Muyue wouldn't tell them about the coming from the Xiao family, but just made an excuse.

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