Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1232: Does Brother Xiao have a fiancee 4

After school on Friday, Chu Muyue still left the school casually and went to the place where Xiao Junyan was waiting for him, as if he didn't care about what Feng Jiahui had found.

Although it didn't show on his face, he was thinking about how to ask Xiao Junyan about this matter later.

Xiao Junyan didn't know Feng Jiahui's trouble with Chu Muyue, got out of the car as always, came to meet her, took her schoolbag off her shoulder, and carried it by herself.

Chu Muyue got in the car, leaned back in the chair, turned to watch Xiao Junyan opened the driver's door and got in.

"Brother Xiao, do you have a marriage contract?"

Chu Muyue spoke suddenly, with a small smile on the corner of her mouth, looking at Xiao Junyan playfully.

Xiao Junyan was taken aback, and the car was halfway through the start, but it was not sent, which was a rare surprise.

"Marriage contract?" Xiao Junyan frowned, a little puzzled and puzzled on his face.

Chu Muyue nodded and said solemnly, "Yes, Feng Jiahui, it's your aunt, right?"

"She's looking for you?" Hearing Feng Jiahui's name, Xiao Junyan's brows wrinkled tightly, and a cold light flashed in his dark eyes.

Although he rarely goes home, how keen his eyesight is, how can he fail to see how Feng Jiahui's family dislikes Chu Muyue.

Therefore, as soon as Chu Muyue proposed the name, he guessed it. Feng Jiahui must have troubled Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue nodded, "Well, she said you have a marriage contract, and the people in your family are ready to arrange a wedding for you! So I want to confirm!"

Xiao Junyan let out a cold snort in his nose, turned his head to look at Chu Muyue, his eyes were gentle and determined, "My wife, only you!"

Chu Muyue glanced at Xiao Junyan without curiosity, "I am busy studying medicine and seeing a doctor every day, and it is too late to manage the company, but I don't have time to deal with your relatives!"

Indeed, no matter which girl is willing to encounter this kind of thing, and do not want to happen.

She still cared very much about who the girl was, why did she have a marriage contract, and Xiao Junyan's mother did not object?

Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue, her **** thin lips slightly raised, "Don't worry, my wife, you will always be the only one, they can't object!"

He also knew his marriage contract, but at that time he didn't care at all, but now...

As long as he wants to be with Chu Muyue, no one can stop him, but he will be happy to see it happen!

However, Feng Jiahui dared to find trouble with Chu Muyue, which made Xiao Junyan a chill in his heart. It seemed that he was still too kind to them.

Chu Muyue rolled her eyes helplessly, "Just say this!"

This matter is something she is worried about, and it will be something she has to face in the future. This guy has nothing to worry about. He doesn't have a backache while standing.

"Don't worry, I will take care of this!" Xiao Junyan reached out and took Chu Muyue's delicate hand to comfort her.

Facing Xiao Junyan's gentleness, Chu Muyue only felt warmth in her heart, and she couldn't help showing a happy smile at the corner of her mouth, and nodded softly, "Well, leave it to you, I don't worry!"

Xiao Junyan nodded, retracted his hand reluctantly, and started the car again.

However, at the moment he turned his head, Chu Muyue didn't see, there was a cold light flashing in Xiao Junyan's eyes.

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