Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1239: Heart Rebound Compression 1

Xiao Junyan held Chu Muyue's small hand tightly, and burst out a sentence that made Ning Jianbin fall off the ground, "My junior sister, I'm pursuing her!"

These words also completely shocked Chu Muyue and Ye Tianming.

Chu Muyue turned his head and looked at Xiao Junyan, this guy said this in front of so many people, okay?

At this time, those government workers standing outside the operating room were a little shocked when they heard Xiao Junyan's words.

They didn't know Xiao Junyan, but it didn't affect their curiosity about his identity.

Didn't you see that Ning Jianbin was smiling at Xiao Junyan? And in the tone, he also brought a bit of respect.

Who is Ning Jianbin? That is the minister of a department, who is treating a young man like Xiao Junyan so respectfully and calling him the commander of the army.

Especially with the "Xiao" surname, these people understood the possible origin of Xiao Junyan in front of them after a few thoughts.

Almost 100% sure of Xiao Junyan's identity, they were naturally shocked by what he said.

Does such an identity need to chase girls? Who the **** is this girl?

"Cough cough cough!" Ye Tianming coughed quickly, interrupting the embarrassment that made people feel very depressing.

Chu Muyue also drew her hand in embarrassment, but this hand was not taken out, but it was a warning to Xiao Junyan that he should pay a little attention to his words.

Although Xiao Junyan was chasing her, he couldn't be so blunt.

Xiao Junyan, who was warned, turned his head and glanced at Chu Muyue, did not speak any more, took her to find a stool outside the operation and sit down.

As the two people sat down, Xiao Junyan took out a walnut from his pocket. As soon as he pressed his fingers, he crushed the walnut, took the meat out, and handed it to Chu Muyue.

Although Chu Muyue was a little unwilling, Xiao Junyan delivered it directly to her mouth, and she could only open her mouth to eat, and secretly said in her heart that this man was really getting darker.

The two Chi Guoguo fed dog food outside the operating room.

Ye Tianming stared at him, and then covered his face with his big hand. The boss wanted to let him live as a single person, he was so cruel, and he fed him a mouthful of dog food.

"Boss, can you please pay attention to the occasion!" Ye Tianming couldn't help but kindly remind Xiao Junyan softly, "There are still a few big men here!"

However, Xiao Junyan raised his eyes lazily and glanced at Ye Tianming, with a bit of warning and dissatisfaction in his eyes. He did it all.

Knowing the meaning of someone's eyes, Ye Tianming shrank his neck a little bit hesitantly, did not dare to speak any more, but muttered in his heart, "I knew I was bullying!"

However, in Ning Jianbin's eyes, this move was even more shocking.

Being able to get to his current position depends not only on his father's position and relationship, but also on his own ability and shrewdness.

Knowing that Xiao Junyan's actions were reminding him of the relationship between him and Chu Muyue.

He was hesitating to apologize to Chu Muyue before he acted rudely, when the door of the operating room opened.

When the operating room door opened, for a moment, everyone's attention was moved away from Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan and looked at the doctor who came out.

It was not someone else who came out, but Dr. Carol, who was treating Mr. Ning.

"Doctor Carol, how is my father?" Ning Jianbin forgot about Chu Muyue for a moment, and quickly asked about this.

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