Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1240: Heart Rebound Compression 2

Dr. Carroll looked at Ning Jianbin regretfully, shook his head and said, "Sorry, Mr. Ning, I have tried my best!"

Hearing Dr. Carol's words, Ning Jianbin and his wife both showed grief on their faces.

Chu Muyue glanced at Dr. Carol who was speaking, and also got up from the chair and walked into the operating room.

When Xiao Junyan saw Chu Muyue's behavior, he naturally knew what she was going to do. He, who had been helping her with the outpatient box, also followed him into the operating room.

At this time, everyone’s attention fell on Dr. Carol, and they were also shocked by the news he had said. They did not notice the movements of Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan for a while, only Ye Tianming noticed. .

When Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan entered the operating room, the other doctors and nurses in the operating room all questioned, "Who are you! Why did you come in!"

The voice was a bit loud, and everyone in the operating room heard it.

When Dr. Carol heard what was going on inside, he quickly turned around and went into the operating room.

"What's the matter?" Everyone looked confused, what happened.

Ye Tianming said in a rather daunting manner, "Don't worry, the boss and the younger sister have entered, and it's okay!"

Well, the younger sister has entered, then Old Man Ning should be fine.

In Ye Tianming's heart, he didn't know why, but he had great confidence in Chu Muyue.

Upon hearing this, everyone noticed that Xiao Junyan and Chu Muyue, who had been sitting on the chairs and spreading dog food, had disappeared.

Seeing this, Ning Jianbin and the others couldn't help but rushed into the operating room.

At this time, the operating room was a little messy, Xiao Junyan dealt with the doctors and nurses in the operating room, and Chu Muyue cleaned his hands and prepared to rescue Ning Lao.

When Dr. Carol came in, she saw Chu Muyue reaching out to Ning Lao, ready to save, and immediately shouted in English, "What are you going to do!"

Without even turning his head, Chu Muyue answered Carol directly, in a very flat tone, but with strong confidence, "Of course it is to save people. Since you can no longer, let me come!"

Hearing this, Carol laughed instead. How could Chu Muyue save someone he couldn't save.

Carol wanted to step forward to stop Chu Muyue, but Chu Muyue raised her hand. The silver needle in her hand stopped him from moving and fixed him by her side. The hand raised was also stiff. In mid-air.

Carol, who was held by the silver needle, showed a look of shock, staring at Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue didn't even look at Carol's situation at this time, but bowed her head and began to really pass on Ning Lao.

Carol, who was shocked that she could not move at all, kept her eyes on Chu Muyue's body. Seeing what she was doing, her eyes widened and she exclaimed, "Heart-rebound compression?"

Yes, Chu Muyue's hand at this time stretched into Ning Lao's open chest, her thumb pressed Ning Lao's heart rhythmically, the rhythm was very uniform, and the intensity was very light.

At this time, Chu Muyue's hand was like a precision machine, repeating the pressing action.

The more I watched, Carol became more frightened. The layman watched the excitement and the expert watched the doorway. Naturally, he knew how shocking Chu Muyue could make such an action.

I even forgot the fact that my body was held still by Chu Muyue's silver needle, and I just watched her treatment.

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