Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1253: No medical qualification certificate 3

Having settled down, Chu Muyue diagnosed Elder Ning again, to see how the formation along the way would affect Elder Ning’s body.

This effect is still there, that is, Old Man Ning's body is a little weaker, but after being acupuncture and moxibustion, he has recovered, and it is still very smooth.

After Chu Muyue's treatment, Elder Ning also fell asleep deeply.

Seeing that Mr. Ning fell asleep, everyone also left the ward, leaving only a few nurses and Ning Jianbin's wife to guard in the bed, and everyone else went to the small meeting room next door.

The old man Ning lives in a special ward, which is specially used by those above. This small meeting room is for doctors to discuss when encountering intractable diseases.

Everyone was sitting in this conference room, arranging the next work, and handing over with the doctors from the military hospital in Lin City.

"Doctor Chu, do you have anything to explain to these doctors?" Ning Jianbin asked Chu Muyue concerned, for fear that doing too much would not be good.

Chu Muyue nodded and said, "You don't need to do anything. Just infuse old man Ning with some nutrient solution every day. After half a month, you can use the nutrient solution. Just let Mr. Ning recuperate quietly. Just follow the prescription I gave. Don’t take any other medicine!"

Hearing what Chu Muyue said, the doctors working in this Linshi Military District Hospital didn't do it.

They knew that Elder Ning was going to the military area hospital to recuperate, but they wanted to sway in front of them.

Now, Chu Muyue's words directly vetoed their hopes, how could this be tolerated by them.

Moreover, seeing Chu Muyue's age at such a young age, they only thought it was ridiculous, and they believed her.

"How can this be? Since I have come to our hospital, we must take good care of our body. Ning's disease is also a stubborn illness. We need good treatment to recover. How can we get any nutrient solution and take the prescription you prescribed? No medical qualification certificate?"

A middle-aged doctor from the Linshi Military District Hospital immediately questioned her.

These words made Xiao Junyan, Ning Jianbin and others frowned, and even Carol and the doctors at the Shencheng Military Region Hospital who followed over showed displeased expressions.

Hearing what he said meant that Mr. Ning came here to receive their treatment, and their doctors in Shencheng were no better than their doctors in Lin.

Forget Chu Muyue, they are really surrendering, but why this guy is so arrogant, he dares to question Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue glanced at the middle-aged doctor who was talking, and said lightly, "If you want to do this, you have to ask the patient's family!"

Ning Jianbin showed a displeased look on his face, and warned the dean of the Linshi Military Region Hospital in a tactful warning, "We understand this doctor’s kindness, and we won’t bother with your examination. In the future, my father’s attending doctor It is this Dr. Chu Muyue Chu. I hope that the doctors in your hospital can implement her medical advice and follow her deployment!"

When the doctor heard Ning Jianbin's words, his face paled suddenly, and he didn't know if it was because of anger or fear.

Some deans with flowers on their foreheads instantly nodded, "Yes, I will order to go down!"

He didn't expect that Chu Muyue had such a high status in Ning Jianbin and the others, and believed her so much.

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