Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1254: Roadside car, bumper 1

Chu Muyue originally wanted Ye Tianming to take herself back, and planned to deal with the company's affairs in the afternoon, and then go to school tomorrow.

However, Xiao Junyan was unwilling to let Ye Tianming do such a thing, so he must personally pick up Chu Muyue.

In this regard, Chu Muyue was very helpless, she was very worried about Xiao Junyan's company with her like this, what would happen to her military area affairs.

Fortunately, Xiao Junyan said that he couldn't pick her up during weekends, he needed to be in the military area.

This made Chu Muyue also a little guilty. If it weren't for her, Xiao Junyan would not work in the military area on weekends.

Since Xiao Junyan had said so, Chu Muyue also obeyed his arrangement.

However, on the way back, there was trouble.

Xiao Junyan was about to drive Chu Muyue home, but stopped because it was a red light.

At the traffic light at this time, some children were standing in a long line, following the teacher to cross the road. Chu Muyue looked at them and couldn't help but smile, "These children are so cute!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, then turned to look at Chu Muyue, dark eyes flashing with inexplicable light.

Suddenly at this moment, a harsh motor sound came.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a sports car approaching at extreme speed in the distance on the front, swiftly approaching the traffic lights here.

Even if the sports car reached the traffic light, there was almost no sign of stopping. Instead, it came toward the zebra crossing faster.

On the zebra crossing at this time, there was still the child following at the end of the road, and the sports car did not stop and ran into those directly.

People on the side of the road couldn't help but scream.

Seeing such a scene, Chu Muyue's eyes widened, and she shouted at Xiao Junyan next to him, "Brother Xiao, save the child!"

Xiao Junyan had also changed gears, stepped on the accelerator, quickly turned the dial, and reminded Chu Muyue, "Grab the armrest!"

"Boom boom boom!" Xiao Junyan drove the off-road vehicle, let out a dull roar, and hit the head of the sports car.

With a sound of "touch", the sports car was directly hit by Xiao Junyan's off-road vehicle. The front of the car rotated in the other direction as soon as it was hit. The entire body rotated in place, because of its original speed and inertia. Tumbled, gliding, and crashed into a telephone pole by the road.

The sudden change not only shocked the teachers and children, but even the passersby on the side of the road were shocked, and his eyes widened.

After smashing the sports car into the air, Xiao Junyan quickly turned his head, looked at Chu Muyue and asked with concern, "Is there anything?"

Chu Muyue gently shook her head, "We are all right!"

However, I soon thought of the child who was almost hit outside, "Go and see the child!"

After speaking, he unfastened his seat belt and jumped out of the car.

Xiao Junyan breathed a sigh of relief when he watched Chu Muyue leave the car safely, but when he turned his head, he saw the sports car with the ground upside down, and a cold light flashed in his dark eyes.

This guy is the culprit.

It's just that he doesn't have any thoughts to deal with him now. In the current situation, it is estimated that there is no way to get out of that car for a while.

Xiao Junyan also jumped out of the car to check if there was anything wrong with the children.

What happened just now, although they reported in time that they crashed into that sports car and did not allow the tragedy to happen, it was bound to scare the children who were nearly injured.

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