Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1255: Roadside car, bumper 2

Fortunately, those children were not harmed, they were just frightened. There was nothing serious about it. Just go back and rest for a few days and let them forget about it.

Some people on the roadside find public telephones to call the police and emergency calls.

After Chu Muyue was ready, the ambulance arrived at the destination.

The teachers sent the frightened children to the ambulance, because there were too many children and there were not enough ambulances, so they sent a half to the hospital.

Although the other children crossed the road, they were frightened a lot when they encountered this situation, and they still needed some psychological counseling.

When the traffic police received the alarm, they also hurried to the location of the incident to investigate the matter.

The young man who crawled out of the sports car should have been hit on his head, his face was covered with red blood, and he screamed in pain while covering his wound.

Standing next to the young man, the very coquettish woman yelled at the traffic policeman, "How are you doing things, how dare you say that to Qi Shao? Do you know who he is? Qi Shao's father is a senior official in Qi. , Immediately catch the person who hit me, otherwise, don't do your job!"

When the police heard the woman's words, his face was a little ugly, and his heart trembled as he looked at the young Qi Shao who was cursing the doctor.

Now he finally understands why people dared to drive a sports car so blatantly under the public, and the speed is so fast, it turns out that there is such a big backer behind him!

Shao Qi turned his head and looked at the traffic police motionless, and exclaimed in dissatisfaction, "What are you still standing here for? Why don't you go and arrest the man who hit this young master? TNN's dare to hit this young master's car! This young master wants to. Kill him!"

I didn't care at all about driving fast on the road, and didn't have any reflection. I just wanted to clean up the person who knocked him over.

When the traffic police dared not follow Qi Rui's order, he immediately took the notebook and went to find Xiao Junyan and Chu Muyue.

In order to prevent Qi Rui's sports car from colliding with these children, Xiao Junyan made an illegal operation, which also caused traffic on this highway to be paralyzed.

Some unreacted vehicles collided with each other, causing quite a stir, and some people were injured on the road.

Chu Muyue also hurriedly treated them. Fortunately, there was a medical box in the car to help bandage their wounds.

At this time, the traffic police came to Chu Muyue and the others, and directly asked Xiao Junyan, "Just now you suddenly changed lanes and crashed?"

When Chu Muyue heard the traffic police's questioning, she only felt that the attitude and sentence of the questioning were wrong, and she stood up and said, "It was the car we drove. We saw a sports car running through a red light and had to hit a child crossing the road. Drive up and knock that sports car away!"

In that situation, it was very difficult to jump out of the car to save the children. There are so many children that one person can hold several, so it is safest to just drive the car and knock the sports car away. Way.

Whether it was Chu Muyue or Xiao Junyan, both of them had the same idea, no matter what, those children should not be hit by this bastard.

The traffic police frowned, he also knew this was the case, but how could he have a high status! Their father is a senior official of Qi.

Even if they know that Chu Muyue has no problems, they have to help him, otherwise their job will be gone!

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