Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1279: The son is also asking for trouble 1

Chu Muyue, who was in Lin City, didn't know what happened in Xiao's house in the capital.

At this time, Chu Muyue was receiving a call from Ling Hong, saying that something had happened at the medicated restaurant and that someone was asking for trouble.

After asking Ling Hong what happened, he realized that it was the son of Qi Changdong. Qi Rui came to the medicinal restaurant to ask for trouble.

Qi Rui brought a group of his friends and friends to the medicated food restaurant and ordered a lot of things in the medicated food restaurant.

After having enough food and drink, he even said that there were insects in the food, yelling to let Chu Muyue go to apologize in person.

Ling Hong originally wanted him to make amends, but he did not expect that Qi Rui called for Chu Muyue to come over, which made Ling Hong 100% sure that Qi Rui was here to ask for trouble.

So, he found an excuse to inform Chu Muyue of the matter here.

Chu Muyue frowned slightly and nodded, "Well, I see, you first stabilize the situation there, I'll go over immediately!"

"Good!" Ling Hong hung up the phone before going to Qi Rui.

Ye Tianming leaned against the wall and looked at Chu Muyue, and asked, "What happened to the medicinal restaurant?"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded, sneered, and said, "We have just been troubled by Lao Tzu, and now his son has gone to my medicinal restaurant to make trouble!"

"Qi Changdong's son?" Ye Tianming raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, "How did you end up with that guy?"

It seems that only Qi Changdong is the only one who came to trouble Chu Muyue recently. Why is this Qi Changdong's son also troubled her? Is this speed so fast? Or does it mean that his son and Chu Muyue also have enemies?

Chu Muyue shrugged helplessly and crashed the car into a car. Ye Tianming explained how to enmity Qi Rui.

Ye Tianming patted his head and said regretfully, "There is such a thing, I missed such a good scene!"

"It's not bad! Thrilling!" Chu Muyue rolled her eyes helplessly, turned around and said, "I'll go get things first, you can take me to the medicinal restaurant later!"

"Okay!" Ye Tianming made an OK gesture and walked into the ward with Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue picked up the practice box and said to Lao Ning, "Lao Ning, I have some things that I need to leave. You can recover with peace of mind. I will check it up again tomorrow!"

"Okay! Go, go, you go busy with your affairs, don't stay with me here!" Old Ning waved his hand and said with a smile.

Ning Xin picked up her small bag and said, "Where are you going, I will go too. Lunch will be coming soon. By the way, I invite you to lunch. Thank you for saving my grandpa!"

Ye Tianming glanced at Chu Muyue, laughed happily, and said, "Okay, go to Mu Yue's medicinal restaurant, I dare to pack a ticket, as long as you go there, you won't want to eat anything else! Especially the medicinal wine, as long as you drink it, even if you don’t like to drink any foreign wines, you still love our medicinal wine!"

For the medicinal restaurant, Ye Tianming is very confident, no one can resist it, even his own people.

Think about that group of tigers at home. They always ask for medicinal wine and ask him to send home some of them every once in a while. He is depressed!

"Medicinal Restaurant?" Ning Xin looked at Ye Tianming in surprise and puzzlement, and then at Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue nodded gently, "Let's talk while walking!"

Now there is no time to talk too much, she rushed back to the medicinal restaurant, when she was away, that Qi Rui might make something happen!

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