Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1280: Son is also asking for trouble 2

Ye Tianming drove and brought Chu Muyue and Ning Xin to the medicated restaurant.

Zhang Cong, who had long been receiving the order and was waiting at the door, saw Chu Muyue's arrival, and hurriedly greeted him, "Chu Dong!"

Seeing Zhang Cong, Chu Muyue asked concerned, "How is the situation now? Where are they?"

"In the box, there is President Ling comforting them, the situation is still okay, but the guy Qi Rui is really too arrogant." Zhang Cong reported to Chu Muyue with some irritation.

Chu Muyue nodded, "Okay, take me over quickly!"

Ye Tianming and Ning Xin were also behind Chu Muyue, and went with her to deal with the medicinal food restaurant first, and they would eat lunch later.

Zhang Cong took Chu Muyue and the others to the box on the second floor.

In the box, Ling Hong stood by the dining table to accompany him, while Qi Rui and his friends, friends and foxes were arguing over there.

Seeing Chu Muyue's arrival, the people in the box stopped talking and turned to look at the door.

Qi Rui saw Chu Muyue standing at the door, blew a whistle, and ridiculed, "Oh, isn't this the chairman of the most famous Longteng Group in Jiangnan Province? What wind is today that blows you up? Up!"

Seeing Chu Muyue's arrival, Ling Hong heaved a sigh of relief, walked up to her, and called out, "Dong Chu!"

"I see, just leave the things here to me. You go down and order someone to prepare a table of meals, and I will entertain the guests later!" Chu Muyue waved his hand and exhorted Ling Hong.

Ling Hong nodded, knowing that as long as Chu Muyue came, everything would be easy to solve, and Ye Tianming was still there! do not worry.

Chu Muyue walked into the box, ignored Qi Rui's provocation, glanced at the people in the room and the things on the table, her eyes a little cold.

"I heard that Shao Qi, you came to our medicinal restaurant to eat, and you actually ate bugs. I don't know, after you ate, did you feel sick or vomit something!" Chu Muyue smiled and asked them back.

I ate the bugs, why didn't I see what you vomited out, and seeing that you all ate the plate all over, you can still eat the bugs. I really admire it!


Chu Muyue's words instantly caused these young men and buddies to slap the table in anger one by one, causing the plates on the table to shake three times.

"Little girl, do you know what you are talking about!"

"Don't think that if you have a relationship with the Duan family, you won't put Qi Shao in your eyes!"

"I really thought that Duan Tianyu would be your backer, so you can arrogantly challenge us in front of Qi Shao!"

"Don't think that you can get arrogant in front of us by setting up a company. Believe it or not, this young master will prevent your company from opening in minutes!"

Each of them was not annoying, glaring at Chu Muyue fiercely, and his tone was full of threats and disdain.

This is how it is now.

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