Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1288: Wearing a suit to the playground 3

In May, it was already a little hotter, but this heat was not a big deal to Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan.

Chu Muyue turned his head, looked at Xiao Junyan's straight suit, looked at the surrounding environment, and wanted to help her forehead.

She never felt that her brother turned out to be such a person.

"Senior Brother Xiao, why do you want to wear a suit? Isn't it hot?" Chu Muyue couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue, frowning, and solemnly said, "The first date!"

"But, we are in the amusement park!" Chu Muyue stretched her hands and nodded naturally.

As if playing in this amusement park is not suitable for wearing a suit.

However, it's no wonder that our Senior Brother Xiao doesn't understand this. No one has ever been to such a place.

And his sister reminded him that since it's a date, he should dress more solemnly, at least not to lose face, so she wore a suit.

However, I don't think that this suit does not match the amusement park.

"Can't wear it?" Xiao Junyan frowned, looked at Chu Muyue, and asked.

Chu Muyue nodded and looked around. Didn't you see that many people here would look at them from time to time?

Where did anyone come to the amusement park in a suit?

Xiao Junyan raised his head, his dark eyes quickly glanced at the clothes of the people around him, as if, as if, none of them were the same as him.

Seeing everyone's clothes, Xiao Junyan's frown deepened.

Seeing Xiao Junyan's appearance, Chu Muyue had already laughed in her heart, her cute and cute Senior Brother Xiao was so cute.

"Or, let's change clothes first?" Chu Muyue couldn't help but persuade.

Xiao Junyan frowned and looked at her puzzledly, "Change clothes?"

Chu Muyue nodded, pointed to herself, and said in Xiao Junyan's ear, "Last time we went to the mountains, in my space, there are still some clothes you usually wear. You went to the men's bathroom to change them!"

When I went to Shennongjia last time, because I didn't know how long he stayed in the mountain, Chu Muyue brought a lot of clothes for himself and Xiao Junyan.

Unexpectedly, the search speed was so fast that some of the clothes were kept in the space without taking them out. Unexpectedly, it came in handy this time.

Thinking of this, Chu Muyue couldn't help but rejoice in her heart. Fortunately, there was something in her own space. It seemed that she would have to prepare something in the space in the future to avoid encountering such embarrassing things like today.

Hearing Chu Muyue's explanation, Xiao Junyan nodded and followed her arrangement, "Okay!"

Anyway, before it was their turn to line up, Chu Muyue took Xiao Junyan to find a men's bathroom nearby, gave him a pile of clothes, and asked Xiao Junyan to change in the bathroom.

Seeing Xiao Junyan walking into the men's bathroom holding a pile of clothes, Chu Muyue stood unkindly outside the toilet and laughed.

It's just that this laughter was a little bit forbearing, and many people turned their heads and looked, making Chu Muyue a little hot, and turned around and covered his mouth quickly, not daring to laugh.

Xiao Junyan changed his clothes in less than two minutes, walked out holding the clothes, looked at Chu Muyue sitting on the roadside chair, and handed them to her.

Chu Muyue smiled and glanced at the casual look that Xiao Junyan wore, which was a little more comfortable, "That's right, it matches me very well!"

She is also dressed casual today, with a short-sleeved T-shirt on the inside, a thin coat with an open outside, and jeans underneath.

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