Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1289: Brother Xiao playing games 1

Xiao Junyan and Chu Muyue lined up again for the pirate ship, and when it was their turn, they finally got on the pirate ship.

Xiao Junyan wrapped her arm around Chu Muyue's slender waist with one hand, and hugged her tightly to his side, with a nervous look.

Chu Muyue clutched the pole in front of her with both hands, almost leaning her whole body in Xiao Junyan's arms, and she had expressed helplessness towards him.

"It's okay, it's not dangerous!" Chu Muyue persuaded Xiao Junyan helplessly.

Xiao Junyan didn't seem to believe in Chu Muyue. The pirate ship swayed a little bit. He looked like it was about to fall, but he was still uneasy.

"It's okay, I will protect you!" Xiao Junyan said firmly.

Chu Muyue sighed deeply in her heart, wondering if it was funny or distressed.

It was funny because Xiao Junyan was a little fussy, and distressed because Xiao Junyan had never relaxed and played games so easily.

It seems that her main task today is to bring Xiao Junyan out to have fun, so that he can also experience the excitement and happiness.

"It's okay!" Chu Muyue smiled, stretched out her hands, and grabbed Xiao Junyan's other hand holding the pole.

The pirate ship started, and Xiao Junyan, who had experienced countless lives and deaths, was more nervous than anyone else, but he was not nervous about himself, but about Chu Muyue's safety.

Chu Muyue could feel the nerves all over Xiao Junyan's body tense, and the muscles were also tightly tightened, holding her even tighter.

"Senior Brother Xiao, don't be like this, it's okay! Relax, relax your muscles, relax!" Chu Muyue reluctantly persuaded Xiao Junyan to relax.

However, Xiao Junyan didn't relax at all, but became even more nervous, Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue helped his forehead helplessly, this man was so cute and cute.

With the sway of the pirate ship, the surrounding girls and boys screamed one by one, enjoying the excitement.

This is why they have never played a roller coaster before, that this kind of pirate ship is also very exciting.

After shaking for a few times, Xiao Junyan looked around, watched the screams of those girls, and breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it wasn't that dangerous! Relaxed a little bit.

Chu Muyue raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Xiao Junyan next to her, "Relax!"

Xiao Junyan looked down at Chu Muyue, a touch of embarrassment and gentleness flashed in his eyes, "Not dangerous!"

Chu Muyue rolled her eyes without angrily, and said, "I've said it, it's not dangerous anymore, you are still so nervous! You are more nervous than me!"

Xiao Junyan hugged Chu Muyue even more tightly, and said reluctantly, "I still can't relax!"

"This is just a game, don't be so serious! Let's have fun!" Chu Muyue comforted Xiao Junyan with a smile.

Xiao Junyan raised his head slightly, and at an angle that Chu Muyue could not see, the corner of his lips raised a faint smile with a tricky trick.

Since there is no danger, then he doesn't need to worry, but he can still hug the girl more, there are so many people here, he doesn't want other men to touch her.

The swaying pirate ship did not pose any danger, but it made Chu Muyue play very depressed, not exciting at all!

This was entirely because there was Xiao Junyan who was a bit nervous, and she couldn't relax and play.

"Look, it's okay!" Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan walked down the steps and turned to say.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Well, it's okay!"

"Then let's go play something else!" Chu Muyue's dark eyes rolled and said with a smile.

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