Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1291: Brother Xiao playing games 3

Out of the haunted house, Chu Muyue dragged Xiao Junyan to play with other things.

"Bumper cars!" Listening to the bumps of the brakes, Chu Muyue excitedly pulled Xiao Junyan and ran up, watching the bumper cars colliding with each other inside.

Chu Muyue turned her head and asked Xiao Junyan, "Go play this! There shouldn't be any problems!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue and nodded, "Okay, go play!"

The two of them get into the bumper car, which is much easier to drive than the car. Just drive forward. It doesn't matter if you hit the car, it was meant to be hit!

"Brother Xiao, see who of us is the best!" Chu Muyue drove her car, ran forward first, and shouted at Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan followed, but he looked at his driving tools, then looked at Chu Muyue, nodded, "Okay!"

Outside the bumper cars, there were bursts of excited shouts, and watching the two cars collide with each other, they were all very excited.

Chu Muyue was also riding a bumper car and ran into Xiao Junyan's car directly, causing her body to be shocked.

Compared with Chu Muyue, Xiao Junyan let Chu Muyue bump into her and let her have fun.

But Chu Muyue was still a little unwilling and reminded, "Brother Xiao, you come too, otherwise, I will not be satisfied with today's outing!"

"You play, I'll accompany you!" Xiao Junyan said softly.

Chu Muyue pointed to herself and said remindingly, "So you come to hit me too! I can't just hit you!"

Although I really wanted to play with Chu Muyue, Xiao Junyan couldn't bear to hit him, "You can hit me!"

The muscles in the corners of Chu Muyue's eyes twitched fiercely, and it was really troublesome to run into someone who loved herself and couldn't bear to make herself feel wronged a little bit.

However, Chu Muyue really couldn't bear to blame him for what Xiao Junyan did.

As soon as she rolled her eyes, Chu Muyue turned her head to look at the other people, drove to Xiao Junyan's side, and said with a smile, "Brother Xiao, let's run into other people together! How about? Two people join hands?"

Xiao Junyan looked at the other people who were playing bumper cars with regret, and a glint flashed in his eyes. As long as he didn't hit Chu Muyue, he nodded, "Okay!"

"Brother Xiao, you go first!" Chu Muyue waved his sleeves, like a general about to go to the battlefield, and ordered Xiao Junyan.

This time it was not hitting Chu Muyue, so after giving an order, Xiao Junyan turned the steering wheel directly and rammed into those other bumper cars.

Xiao Junyan didn't show any mercy to other people, and when he went up there was a bump, and the other people were all dizzy.

"Damn! Who hit me!"

"Looking for death! How dare I hit Laozi!"

Suddenly, a group of people all turned to find Xiao Junyan's troubles, and they all ran into him.

"Hahaha..." Seeing Xiao Junyan being besieged by everyone, Chu Muyue sat in her car unkindly and laughed.

Who makes him bad for fun, deserve it!

However, seeing Xiao Junyan seriously reacting to these strangers standing now is even quicker, and he is still so easy to deal with, so that all the other people around have joined the battle one after another, seeing Chu Muyue. I was speechless for a while.

"Okay, I'll come too!" Chu Muyue turned the steering wheel, and also rammed into the bustling motorcade, and joined the ranks.

She couldn't let Xiao Junyan face it alone, the two of them had to join hands to deal with them.

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