Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan walked out of the bumper car field, turned their heads, and glanced at the boys and girls who were standing a little unstable when they got out of the car, and a smug smile appeared on their mouths.

"Senior Brother Xiao, you are amazing!" Chu Muyue grabbed Xiao Junyan's arm and praised excitedly.

The corner of Xiao Junyan's mouth showed a soft smile, "As long as you are happy! Just fine!"

Just now, Xiao Junyan and Chu Muyue took the initiative to find those other players to crash the car, and in the end all the players were besieging Xiao Junyan and Chu Muyue in groups.

However, they encountered a perverted evildoer.

Xiao Junyan is almost the originator of bumper cars, playing with them in applause.

Xiao Junyan who provoked the incident had nothing to do, but the players who wanted to retaliate, each of them bumped into each other and it was nothing short of bloodshed.

The audience around the bumper car game circle also watched Chu Muyue leave with Xiao Junyan's arm in their admiring eyes.

No one would have thought that before playing bumper cars, Xiao Junyan had never played it before, but in his hands, it was so easy to come by.

Chu Muyue turned her head curiously and excitedly, and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Senior Brother Xiao, how can you play so well? I'm not as good as you! When will you teach me?"

Xiao Junyan reached out and touched Chu Muyue's head, comforting, "I haven't played, but like driving, it's not as difficult as driving a tank, it's very simple!"

Drive the tank!

Listening to this, Chu Muyue couldn't help but drop three black lines on her forehead. Well, she couldn't understand what the difficulty Xiao Junyan said was.

Chu Muyue couldn't find any other topics, turned her head and looked around and said, "Then let's go play something else!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, not as nervous as when he first started playing pirate ships.

Next, the two chose the 360-degree swivel chair and swing hammer. Although it was very exciting, Xiao Junyan was not so worried anymore, and played with Chu Muyue very comfortably.

"So cool!" Chu Muyue stretched out.

Today is the most comfortable, relaxing, and happiest day since she was born again.

After rebirth, she has always been studying hard and busy with company affairs, which made Chu Muyue's nerves always tense.

By coming out with Xiao Junyan this time, I relaxed my spirit, and my whole body was very relaxed.

Xiao Junyan followed behind Chu Muyue, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became more gentle and petting.

Chu Muyue put down her hands and turned to look at Xiao Junyan, "Senior Brother Xiao, I'm thirsty, let's go buy a drink!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and led Chu Muyue to the small vendor to buy drinks, and bought two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Chu Muyue drank half a cup and saw that there were dart shooting activities on the side of the vendor, and she walked over again.

"Come and come! Take a look! Take a look! As long as you can hit all the hearts, you can get the biggest doll! If you don't like dolls, the toys in the audience are free to choose!" The vendor excitedly faced All the players yelled.

Chu Muyue stood in front of the prize announcement board and watched, ten darts and a lot of prizes.

"Senior Brother Xiao, come! I want this headband!" Chu Muyue pulled Xiao Junyan and pointed at the headband of a little black devil on the prize stand.

Xiao Junyan came over, looked at the direction Chu Muyue was pointing, and asked, "Do you want a headband?"

"Hmm! Headband!" Chu Muyue looked at Xiao Junyan with a sly smile on her face.

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