Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1355: Encountering sister Xiao Fengyi 1

Chu Muyue ate the chili noodles that had been put a little bit normally, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she put her arm around Xiao Junyan's arm, "Go, let's eat something else!"

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded and turned around to eat other things with Chu Muyue.

However, in the crowd, one more person followed.

After following two vendors, Xiao Junyan turned his head and looked inside the crowd. He saw a woman in casual clothes, staring at her, then turned his head again, without looking at her, and continued to help Chu Muyue get the tofu bowl. .

The woman was seen by Xiao Junyan, but she didn't hide it anymore, and moved towards Chu Muyue and the others.

Chu Muyue turned around and was stopped by the woman.

"Xiao Junyan?" The woman frowned, looked at Xiao Junyan, and asked.

Chu Muyue looked at Xiao Junyan in confusion, then at the woman, frowning, "Who?"

"My sister, Xiao Fengyi!" Xiao Junyan introduced, looking at the woman.

The woman in front of her was not someone else, but Xiao Junyan's biological sister, Xiao Fengyi.

Hearing Xiao Junyan's introduction, Chu Muyue was taken aback, looked at Xiao Junyan and then at Xiao Fengyi, the two of them were completely different.

However, thinking that even the twins are different, and looking at Xiao Fengyi's face, there is indeed a younger brother, and a mother, a young father who lost his father, and an extraordinary family background, so I believe it.

"Xiao...Miss Xiao, hello!" Chu Muyue greeted Xiao Fengyi quickly.

Unexpectedly, it was only the first day that Xiao Junyan and Xiao Junyan came out of the capital to meet her sister. Is this a case of being caught?

Xiao Fengyi bent down slightly, faced Chu Muyue, looked up and down, and asked curiously, "Who are you?"

Chu Muyue smiled and introduced herself, "My name is Chu Muyue, I am Senior Brother Xiao's sister!"

"Girlfriend!" Xiao Junyan added three more words.

Listening to these three words, Chu Muyue raised her foot and stomped on the back of Xiao Junyan's instep fiercely.

How could this guy talk nonsense in front of his sister!

As soon as Xiao Fengyi heard Chu Muyue's name, she pointed her chin with her finger and called out, looking at Chu Muyue with beaming eyes, "Oh, you are the younger sister who hasn't been caught by the younger brother?"

Listening to Xiao Fengyi's words like this, Chu Muyue's smile became a little embarrassed, "I'm just a little junior girl!"

"It seems that the little brother has not caught up!" Xiao Fengyi's gaze shifted from Chu Muyue's body to Xiao Junyan's body, and said disgustingly, "It's really useless. I taught you last time. You didn't Do you use it?"

With these words, Chu Muyue couldn't help but recalled that he and Xiao Junyan went out on a date in the amusement park. Xiao Junyan even wore a suit. It was ashamed to be ashamed.

"Cough cough cough!" Chu Muyue coughed twice, and she couldn't help laughing.

Hearing Chu Muyue's cough, Xiao Junyan lowered his head and asked concerned, "Uncomfortable?"

"It's okay!" Chu Muyue waved his hand, looked at the excitement around him, and said quickly, "Or, let's sit down and say something in a quiet place!"

It's too noisy here, and all three of them are still standing in the middle of the road talking, which is not suitable.

"Well, that's okay!" Xiao Fengyi smiled at Chu Muyue, and said, "I want to talk to you, the younger sister too!"

Looking at Chu Muyue, she was still very young, she didn't even arrive at twenty years old, right? Looks so small! I don't know how my little brother got rid of it?

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