Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1356: Encountering sister Xiao Fengyi 2

Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan took Xiao Fengyi to find a quiet teahouse and sat down.

It's just that, sitting together so face-to-face, and the surroundings are quiet, which makes Chu Muyue feel flustered in her heart.

Is this a meeting with the parents? So nervous!

Chu Muyue put her hands on her lap, clutching the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands, feeling a little nervous.

"Sister? Why are you here?" Xiao Junyan asked without Chu Muyue's nervousness, looking at Xiao Fengyi.

"Of course I am here for dinner. I still want to ask you, aren't you in Linshi? Why are you here?" Xiao Fengyi asked Xiao Junyan angrily.

Xiao Junyan said flatly, "Be with Mu Yue!"

Under the table, Chu Muyue raised her foot and stepped on the back of Xiao Junyan's instep again.

Xiao Fengyi raised her eyebrows, supported her chin with one hand, half of her body was leaning on the table, smiling at Chu Muyue, "Your name is Chu Muyue? Is it my younger brother's junior sister?"

"Yes!" Chu Muyue nodded gently, "My master and Brother Xiao's master are good friends, and they are considered my senior brothers!"

"That's it!" Xiao Fengyi nodded suddenly, but in fact, he had already heard Xiao Junyan's words, and then asked curiously, "Do you know that my brother is chasing you?"

Chu Muyue glanced at Xiao Junyan and nodded, "Well, I know!"

Xiao Fengyi approached Chu Muyue again, and asked curiously, "Then do you like my brother? My brother is chasing you! Did he succeed in chasing after you?"

Suddenly, a blush appeared on Chu Muyue's cheeks, "I am not an adult now, let's talk about these things later!"

"Oh, too, I haven't grown up yet!" Xiao Fengyi seemed to be awakened, nodded, and vomited to himself that her little brother was really good at talking.

Chu Muyue nodded, "Well! I'm still young now!"

Xiao Fengyi turned her head and glanced at Xiao Junyan again, "Why are you two in the capital? Shouldn't you have to go to work?"

"Mu Yue has something to do in the capital, I will accompany her!" Xiao Junyan glanced at Chu Muyue softly.

As to why Chu Muyue came to the capital, she didn't tell Xiao Fengyi about the specific matter, because she was afraid that she would make trouble, or she might tell her about this matter to her mother.

"Unexpectedly, you Bingberg is still quite considerate!" Xiao Fengyi smiled appreciatively. Unexpectedly, his younger brother would run around with other girls, asking caringly, "Should you not go back today? Where do you stay at night? Do you want to go home?"

Without any hesitation, Xiao Junyan said directly, "No, live in my house."

"You already have that?" Xiao Fengyi's two eyes almost stared out, with a look of surprise on his face.

She didn't expect her brother to be so fast, and the two of them have already developed to this point. They both live together. Didn't it mean that they didn't catch up? Didn’t you say you are not an adult?

"No! No..." Chu Muyue hurriedly waved her hand to explain, but her cheeks kept turning red, "Miss Xiao, that's not the case. Brother Xiao and I are in separate rooms, but under the same roof! We will stay here for now! That's it!"

Xiao Fengyi patted her huge chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, that's good, it scares me to death!"

When Xiao Junyan's sister said so, Chu Muyue's entire face was flushed.

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