Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1363: Something happened to the company 2

Only when Xiao Junyan was there, Chu Muyue could make all kinds of rude requests and let her run around with her.

However, Xiao Junyan also had a military post after all, and had to deal with military affairs, so he could only take the flight back to Lin City on Sunday night.

Xiao Junyan was very reluctant, and wanted to separate from Chu Muyue, and she was still in a place like the capital.

"Take care of yourself!" Xiao Junyan said softly, pressing his big hand against Chu Muyue's cheek.

Chu Muyue nodded, patted Xiao Junyan on the shoulder, and comforted him, "It's okay, don't worry, I will take care of myself, don't you let Ye Tianming follow me? It's okay!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, his dark eyes filled with deep reluctance and nostalgia.

Ye Tianming has some helpless giants looking to the sky, his boss, every time he encounters Chu Muyue, he has to be such a mother-in-law, Luo Li is snarky.

"Boss, you should hurry up and fly, and if I take care of the younger sister, you can rest assured, it's okay!" Ye Tianming quickly patted his chest to promise, comforting Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan raised his head, a gloomy light gleamed in his deep, pitch-black eyes, and his tone was a command, "Take care of her!"

"Good, good!" Ye Tianming nodded like smashing garlic, and smiled happily, "Don't worry, there is me and the younger sister, no one who dares to hurt her!"

Chu Muyue also nodded, and persuaded Xiao Junyan to come quickly, and if he didn't leave, it would be too late, "Yeah, yeah! Go, don't worry about me!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at Chu Muyue reluctantly, hugged her before leaving, and whispered softly in her ear, "I'm leaving!"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded, her eyes were a little red when Xiao Junyan made such a move, but she still pushed his chest, "Let's go!"

Only then did Xiao Junyan let Chu Muyue go, glanced at her, and then turned and left.

Chu Muyue waved at Xiao Junyan and watched his figure disappear before turning around, "Let's go!"

"Oh, little junior sister, I have to say, you have taken care of my boss!" Ye Tianming made a thumbs-up gesture with both hands, and said to Chu Muyue with admiration.

Chu Muyue gave Ye Tianming angrily, "Be careful, I tell Senior Brother Xiao what you are saying now!"

"Hey, the boss won't bother me because of this. The boss likes listening to this kind of thing!" Ye Tianming smiled triumphantly, "The boss will listen to you alone, others No one will listen!"

Chu Muyue's lazy Li Ye Tianming whispered over there, and walked forward, "Let's go, take me home!"

"Good!" Ye Tianming smiled and asked, "Is it still a villa?"

Of course he knew that during this time, Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan lived together in the villa in the capital.

Chu Muyue nodded, "Hmm!"

When she was in the capital, she added a few more things to the room. At least it looked like it was not as simple as before. Like a hotel, it only had the necessary furniture.

Rarely, there were also some vegetables in the refrigerator in the kitchen. When Xiao Junyan was there, the two of them made their own meals at home.

Compared to eating outside, Chu Muyue still feels that it is best for two people to cook dinner together at home. Not only is the life warm, but also healthy, so there is no need to worry about any food safety.

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