Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1364: Something happened to the company 3

Without Xiao Junyan by his side, Chu Muyue's life was relatively plain.

After helping Yan Lao with acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, Yan Lao's body was gradually recovering. This made the Yan family all smiles, and even the doctors in the military hospital had nothing to say.

In the morning, just after the acupuncture treatment for Yan Lao, the phone rang.

Turning on the phone, it turned out to be An Qing's call, and he made a squeak in his heart, with an ominous premonition, and quickly connected the phone.

"Hello? Aunt An, what's the matter?"

Aunt An's heavy voice came from the phone, "Chu Dong, something happened to the Dream Cosmetics Company!"

"What's wrong, tell me clearly!" Chu Muyue's voice was a little cold.

An Qing immediately explained what had happened to Chu Muyue, "That's it. Last night, a woman went to a news reporter to report on the products used by our Dream Cosmetics series. Her face had problems. It’s all pussies, saying that our products made her like this! Let us compensate!"

"She went to the reporter first?" Chu Muyue raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Yes, she found it herself first!" An Qing nodded, "We only learned about this after reading today's newspaper. Now there are many reporters under our company!"

Chu Muyue thought for a while, and asked An Qing, "Well, I know, do you have someone to investigate this matter?"

"After knowing this, I immediately sent someone to investigate this matter. I think there will be news in the evening!" An Qing replied immediately.

"I know, I will rush back immediately. Don't respond to those reporters temporarily, wait until I get back to make a decision!" Chu Muyue's eyes flashed brightly.

She didn't think it was a problem with the products produced by their company, and someone must be asking her for trouble.

The woman didn't look for them first, but the reporters first. She was definitely instigated.

Everyone in the ward heard what Chu Muyue said and looked at her.

Ye Tianming also sat upright, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He also had shares, and if the company had problems, he also received less money.

"Someone is asking for trouble?" Ye Tianming's voice was also a little cold.

During Chu Muyue's conversation, he also heard it, and immediately thought that this matter must be troublesome for them.

Chu Muyue hung up the phone and did not answer Ye Tianming’s answer. Instead, she said guiltily to Old Yan, “Old Yan, I’m really sorry. Something happened in my company. I can’t do anything for you in the next two days. Acupuncture treatment, but your body is actually not a serious problem. You can recover by taking the medicine according to the prescription I prescribed for you!"

Old Yan waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay, you go! Don't worry about me, your own company is important!"

During this period of time, Yan Lao also knew that Chu Muyue started from scratch, founded the company by herself, and achieved the current achievements.

In the political arena for decades, how could his old man fail to understand the meaning of Chu Muyue's call? Like Ye Tianming, he guessed it, and someone was asking for trouble.

Since someone was asking for trouble, Yan Lao would not stop Chu Muyue from letting her leave, anyway, his body gradually recovered and he didn't need Chu Muyue to stay by his side all the time.

"Thank you Yan Lao, when the matter is finished, I will come to the capital to help you see your body!" Chu Muyue stood up and apologized to Yan Lao.

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