Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1375: Sorry, the company is busy 1

Chu Muyue resolved the matter and returned to the office, breathing a sigh of relief.

An Qing looked at Chu Muyue with a smile, and said admiringly, "Chu Dong, you can solve everything!"

"Without Ye Tianming's cooperation, I wouldn't have solved this matter so quickly!" Chu Muyue smiled and shook his head.

Ye Tianming taught the superb hacking skills of those from his Dragon Shield Security Company and allowed them to break into the surveillance video of the casino.

Knowing that those people were afraid of gorgeous and fleeing with the money, she was locked in the casino. Although she was still free, she was monitored and monitored, which gave Chu Muyue a lot of convenience.

"Yes! Thanks to Officer Ye!" An Qing nodded in agreement.

Chu Muyue stood up and smiled and said, "Let's take care of other things first!"

At the same time, the special ward of the Beijing Military Region Hospital was heavy.

"How is my dad's situation?" a man in his forties asked the doctor in a white coat.

The doctors were hesitant and heavy, and shook their heads.

"Mr. Meng, we have tried our best and can only save Meng Lao temporarily. When Meng Lao first entered the hospital, we already said that Meng Lao is very sick. If we relapse again, we don’t know if we can save it. , I can save it this time, it can only be said that it is luck!" The headed doctor said heavily.

A woman about 30 years old heard the doctor's words and immediately cursed, "Quack doctor! I think the people in your hospital are useless. At the beginning, Mr. Yan was sent to your hospital. You all said you won't survive for a few days, but what about now? The Yan family hired a doctor by themselves, and he was cured immediately, and he could be discharged from the hospital in a few days!"

Being so scolded by this woman, the doctors in these military area hospitals were constantly changing their faces, not knowing whether it was because of anger or shame.

They all knew that the situation of Yan Lao was indeed very dangerous, but the Yan family found a doctor by themselves, and it was a young girl like Chu Muyue who was cured. What is it now? It doesn't look like a situation as dangerous as before.

The middle-aged man heard what the woman said and asked, "Second sister, what are you saying is true?"

"Brother, it's true. I saw this with my own eyes. The old man was in the most advanced hospital. At that time, his condition was not so bad. The situation of Yan Lao was worse than that of the old man now. But, people from Yan's family. I invited someone to come and healed it!" The woman nodded and said immediately when she heard the middle-aged man's question.

This middle-aged man is Meng Qing's eldest brother Meng Kang, and this woman is Meng Lan's second daughter.

The doctors in the hospital looked even more ugly after listening to what Meng Lan's second daughter said. They lowered their heads one by one.

Anyway, since Chu Muyue came, they were just a bunch of useless quacks in the eyes of these people.

Meng Kang frowned and said, "Then Elder Yan is still in the hospital now?"

"Still, it will take a few days for Elder Yan to be discharged from the hospital!" Meng Lan nodded and said.

"I'll ask Elder Yan to see if he can ask that doctor to see Dad!" Meng Kang said with a heavy tone.

Meng Lan listened to Meng Kang's words and said hesitantly, "Will they say it? After all, we are not from the same faction!"

Meng Kang glanced at Meng Lan disdainfully, and said confidently, "Their brains are not as stupid as you. If this kind of thing is spread, it will have a great impact on their reputation. They will definitely introduce them. of!"

Meng Lan was a little unhappy when she heard this, but she understood, and nodded.

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