Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1376: Sorry, the company is busy 2

Chu Muyue was dealing with the company's affairs, and suddenly her cell phone rang.

Seeing that his call was an unfamiliar number, he frowned, and his pretty face showed a somewhat puzzled and incomprehensible look.

Although she didn't know each other, Chu Muyue answered the phone, "Hello, hello!"

"Hey, hello, are you Dr. Chu Muyue Chu?" An uncertain voice came from a middle-aged man.

Chu Muyue didn't hesitate to hear that the other party actually knew his name, "Yes!"

Call yourself Doctor Chu, what should be the matter.

"Hello, Dr. Chu, my name is Meng Kang. It’s like this. I just heard from Yan Lao that Yan Lao was very sick last time. It was because of your treatment that he was able to be rescued. Yan Lao treats you. His medical skills are highly praised. This time my dad is very ill, so I hope you can come to the capital to treat my dad!" Meng Kang's voice came over the phone.

Chu Muyue heard that the person calling herself was actually called Meng Kang, and he was still going to the capital.

Suddenly, I thought of Meng Qing’s old father, Meng Lao, and Meng Kang was Meng Qing’s older brother in Shencheng.

At the last banquet in the New Medicinal Restaurant, Ye Tianming said that Elder Meng was already unwell. Now that he thinks about it, it's really possible.

However, this Meng Kang shouldn't know yet, she has already feuded with his brother!

Let her go to treat them, and then let Elder Meng continue to support Meng Qing behind to find her own trouble. She was really stupid to get home.

Knowing the identity of the other party and the purpose of the call, Chu Muyue said in a flat tone, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Meng, I am very busy now, I really don't have time to go to the capital!"

Hearing Chu Muyue's refusal words, it made Meng Kang choke. He never expected that he would be rejected by Chu Muyue.

Since Chu Muyue was very old and seriously ill last time, she rushed over immediately after receiving the call, so she should be the same.

Moreover, he also made it clear that his identity was introduced by Yan Lao, but she still refused. Is this not putting them in the eyes, or does not know their identity?

"Doctor Chu, I know you are very busy, but my father is really seriously ill. The doctors in the military area hospital are helpless. Yan Lao said, only you can cure my father's disease. Please come to the capital. , My Meng family will definitely be grateful!" Meng Kang said to Chu Muyue quickly, "If Dr. Chu has any requirements in the future, you can contact me, and I will definitely help Dr. Chu!"

When it comes to this, Meng Kang felt that it was impossible for Chu Muyue to refuse.

However, what he didn't know was that their Meng family had already become enemies with Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue had also investigated Meng Kang, and now listening to what this guy said, he seemed to be very respectful, but he was a bit cruel.

Moreover, Meng Kang also knows what Meng Qing did. For such a person, she can't guarantee that they will still find their own trouble after she saves Mr. Meng.

"Mr. Meng, I'm really sorry, my company has a big problem, and I need to sit down, so I can only be sorry!" Chu Muyue still politely refused.

Although what I said was euphemistic, I secretly said that my troubles were not all caused by your Meng family. It was your own sins, so I can't blame me.

How could Meng Qing be so arrogant if the son is not a godfather, without the connivance of the elders?

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