Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1502: A couple in the kitchen 1

Mu Yue's eyes fluttered, and he smiled and said to Yan Lao, "It's rare that Yan Lao is here today. I'll cook today! Try my medicated food! My medicated food restaurant is also very prosperous in Linshi, but, The food in the shop is made by the chef, and you are made by me personally. It is better than their technology. Would you like to try it?"

"Medicated food!" Old Yan smashed his mouth, and said with some salivation, "I heard Lao Ning say that when he told me to go to Linshi, I must try the medicated food of the medicated restaurant!"

Hearing Mr. Yan's words, Mr. Mu was also very curious, and he wanted to try Mu Yue's craftsmanship, "Good, good!"

"Go, Brother Xiao, accompany me to cook!" Mu Yue said to Xiao Junyan quickly, thinking that if Brother Xiao helps, it should be possible to improve the views of Mu's family!

When Mu Haiye heard that Xiao Junyan was asked to help, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and said to Mu Yue, "Why let him, I'll help!"

But Mu Yue waved his hand and said, "It's not necessary anymore, San Bo, just go and bring my outpatient box!"

With that, he directly dragged Xiao Junyan to the kitchen.

When I walked into the kitchen, I ran into the aunts who were sorting vegetables in the kitchen.

"Auntie Elder, Auntie Second, Auntie Three, and Auntie Four, I will cook today's lunch, and I will cook medicated food for you to eat, which can not only strengthen your body, but also beautify your face!" Mu Yue said to the aunts with a smile.

Hearing what Mu Yue said, several aunts glanced at each other. They didn't want Mu Yue to do it, but they couldn't help it if they said that they could beautify their face.

"Well, well, let us also taste the medicated food Xiao Yueer you made!" The aunt smiled and stood up and said.

The second aunt also got up and asked Mu Yue with concern, "What do I need to do?"

Mu Yue looked at the kitchen and asked, "Wash all the vegetables first, which ones have been cleaned? I'll start making them first!"

"Everything on it is already prepared!" Aunt San walked to the kitchen table and explained to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded gently, looked at the chicken, duck and fish on the stage, and thought for a while, "Where are most of the kitchen utensils?"

"It's all in this cabinet, here are the seasonings, you can see for yourself, and you can ask me if you need it!" Aunt Si opened the cabinet and pointed out the same kitchen utensils to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded, and glanced at Xiao Junyan, Xiao Junyan nodded, took out all the kitchen utensils of the casserole, and cleaned it first.

Mu Haiye walked in carrying the practice box, and looked at the big man Xiao Junyan in it, suddenly feeling a little upset.

"Xiao Yue'er, you want something!" Mu Haiye put the medical box on the stage and said.

Mu Yue nodded, "Let's put it here first, and use it later, San Bo, you can go out and wait first!"

Mu Haiye glanced at Xiao Junyan cautiously, for fear that this guy would do something to Mu Yue in the kitchen, "It's all right, I'll watch you do it!"

Mu Yue didn't care about Mu Haiye's presence in it, and continued to cooperate with Xiao Junyan in cooking.

Mu Yutao, Yan Chen and others also ran over curiously, their heads stretched out at the door of the kitchen, watching the lively scene inside.

"Senior Brother Xiao, wash these medicinal materials and stuff them into this chicken's belly!" Mu Yue sorted out the materials and placed them in front of Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan nodded, cleaning the ingredients very skillfully, put some other seasonings in it, and put them into the big casserole.

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