Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1503: A couple in the kitchen 2

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan's cooperation is simply perfect, as if they have been rehearsed hundreds of times, thousands of times.

Several aunts washed the vegetables and piled them aside, and then they also stood on the side watching Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue cooking together.

"Huh?" The big aunt couldn't help but whispered softly, "Don't tell me, Xiao Junyan and Xiao Yue'er cooperate really well!"

The second aunt nodded in agreement, "Yes! Together, the speed is also very fast!"

"Xiao Junyan cuts the vegetables and prepared them, Xiao Yueer cooks the vegetables, mastering the heat, it really works perfectly!" The third aunt also nodded in agreement.

The fourth aunt also pouted her lips, a little dissatisfied and enviously said, "Where is the guy like our family, I know this is delicious and this is not delicious all day long! Let him do but he can't do anything!"

"Who said no!" The big aunt nodded in agreement, and said with a smile, "Xiao Junyan is still pretty good!"

A few fires started to do it together, and Xiao Junyan was also there to help. He looked like he was very professional in an apron.

Mu Yutao snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "Cut! Just cut the vegetables! I will too!"

"That's right, isn't it about washing and cutting vegetables? What's so great!" Mu Haiye nodded in agreement, and said disdainfully.

The eldest mother and the others turned their heads and stared at Mu Haiye. The eldest mother said directly, "Then you go!"

"Cough cough cough..." Mu Haiye coughed twice as soon as he heard it, and said, "Isn't Xiao Yue'er planning to cook a delicious meal for us? What shall I do?"

Mu Yue naturally heard the words discussed outside, and it seemed that the aunts were about to get it done.

Sure enough, this man can still make women a little tempted by cooking.

"Brother Xiao, this pepper is a little choking, come on!" Mu Yue casually found an excuse and directly handed the pot and spoon to Xiao Junyan, and said.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue, and seemed to understand her purpose all at once, without saying anything else, nodded, took the kitchenware, and started cooking, while Mu Yue went to work on other things.

Seeing Xiao Junyan starting to cook, Mu Haiye suddenly cracked his mouth.

"Who said you can't eat it!" The eldest mother heard it, turned her head and stared at Mu Haixuan, and said with great experience, "Didn't you see that his experience is very good? The experience of mastering is very good, take a look Just practiced!"

"That is, go back, you can do it too, I see if you are in a hurry!" Aunt San turned her head and said to Mu Haiye, who was standing and talking.

Mu Haiye opened his mouth and didn't know what to fight back.

Mu Yutao, who was watching, were all gloating.

Mu Haiye turned his head, gave a ferocious look at these guys who dared to laugh at him, turned his head to look at Xiao Junyan who was cooking, and said with a hum, "What's wrong with not being in a hurry? I don't think this dish is delicious. !"

The aunts didn't say anything, thinking in their hearts, wait a minute to taste those dishes made by Xiao Junyan, it should be good!

Looking at Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan's cooperation, it seems that they often do it together!

Compared with the elders of the Mu family, these women really verified a word.

"The mother-in-law looks more and more pleasing to her son-in-law!"

Mu Yue's mother was gone, these aunts became Mu Yue's mother, and this mother-in-law became them, of course, who was particularly satisfied with Xiao Junyan.

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