Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1504: A couple in the kitchen 3

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan cooperated with each other to make a sumptuous meal.

Before eating, Mu Haixuan came back from the department, saw Xiao Junyan's car, and immediately walked in and asked, "Why did that stinky boy come?"

Originally wanted to find Xiao Junyan, but found that he did not find him, nor did he see Mu Yue, but saw Yan Lao, "Yan Lao, you are here too!"

Old Yan smiled and nodded, and said, "Yeah! Come and eat a meal!"

"Fifth, you are here!" Mu Haiye in the kitchen heard Mu Haixuan's voice and walked out of the kitchen, calling him.

When Mu Haixuan saw Mu Haiye, he quickly asked, "Where is that stinky boy with the surname Xiao? Where is Xiao Yue? Where did he kidnap Xiao Yue?"

Hearing these words, the Yan family members, including Yan Lao, who saw the Mu family's performance for the first time were a little surprised.

Mu Haiye pointed to the kitchen and said, "That stinky kid is in the kitchen with Xiao Yue'er to fight!"

Hearing that Mu Yue was cooking in the kitchen, she walked into the kitchen curiously, and was a little surprised to see that it was Mu Yue who was cooking.

"Xiao Yue'er is cooking! It smells so good!" Mu Haixuan only saw Mu Yue cooking, and asked with a strong scent of cooking, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yeah, our Xiao Yueer, you can definitely get into the kitchen out of the chat room!" Mu Haiye said with a sullen expression as if he was himself.

Mu Haixuan also had a proud and proud smile on his face, and said, "Well, Xiao Yueer is indeed my daughter and Yuehua!"

Not long after speaking, I saw Xiao Junyan standing beside Mu Yue, as if handing something to Mu Yue.

"Why is that stinky boy here too!" Mu Haixuan yelled when he saw Xiao Junyan.

Hearing Mu Haixuan's words, Mu Haiye grinned, showing a triumphant smile, and said, "Yes, this kid is here to find our Xiaoyue!"

"This stinky boy dared to come to our house!" Mu Haixuan was about to roll up his sleeves, but was stopped by the eldest mother and the others.

"What are you doing!" Seeing Mu Haixuan's actions, the elder aunt suddenly scolded her with dissatisfaction, and also glared at him.

The second aunt was also dissatisfied and ordered to Mu Haixuan, "That's right, go and don't mess around here!"

But Mu Haixuan pointed at Xiao Junyan and said, "This brat is inside, I have to drive him away!"

"Go go!" The third aunt pushed Mu Haixuan directly, and said dissatisfied, "What are you going to do? They cook food for you in the kitchen, and you have to chase them away!"

"What?" Mu Haixuan was a little shocked when he heard his third sister-in-law's words, but still said disdainfully, "I don't want it. I only want Xiao Yue'er to cook the dishes. What is this stinky kid over there?"

"You're just messing around here!" The fourth aunt also glared at Mu Haixuan, "Quickly get out, this is the kitchen, what are you elders doing here!"

When Mu Haixuan heard this, he felt very innocent and helpless. He pointed to Xiao Junyan retortly and said, "I can't do it here, can that stinky kid do it?"

"Yes, if you can make a meal, then you are here, if you can't do it, then leave!" The eldest aunt gave Mu Haixuan angrily and said with a reminder.

Do they not know about these elders at home?

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