Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1511: Only roadside wildflowers 3

In the hall, Yan Lao was chatting with Mu, and it was Mu Yue who was talking about it.

Mu Yue sat on the sofa and smiled and said to Old Yan, "Old Yan, I have to go back to Linshi. Are you still in the capital or go to Linshi with me?"

"Go to Linshi? Are you not in the capital?" Old Yan asked her with a surprised expression when he heard Mu Yue's words.

Mu Yue nodded gently, and said, "Well, yes, I still have a company group business in Lin City. I have to go to Lin City. My arrangements for the company are arranged before the college entrance examination and before the college entrance examination. Stay in Linshi and return to the capital after the college entrance examination!"

Listening to Mu Yue's words, Mr. Yan glanced at Mu Haiye and said, "I'm back now. You can leave things to the Mu family's youngest in this company!"

"After all, this is a business I started by myself. I don't want to give up, and I can't do nothing in the future, right? After graduating from university, I can continue to do what I like to do!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Old Yan nodded, couldn't help but give her a thumbs up, and said complimentingly, "Okay, now, it is estimated that no one can be better than you, even Xiao Junyan can't. you!"

Become famous when you are young, but you also need to be capable and purposeful.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "So, I can only go back to Linshi to go to school now, and when I graduate from university, I will come to Beijing again. I had already planned it when I started the company!"

"Yeah!" Old Yan nodded and said, "Since you are going to Linshi, I will go too! Anyway, Lao Ning hasn't played chess with him for a long time, so I miss him!"

Mu Yue smiled and said to Yan Lao, "Well, as long as Yan Yan likes it, I will tell you before I go to Linshi!"

"Well, you are going to tell me a few days ago, and I will ask them to prepare too!" Old Yan nodded, he didn't care.

Originally, he was planning to go to Linshi, but it was slightly delayed because of Mu Yue's confession.

"Mu Yue, you are going to Linshi!" Yan Chen heard that Mu Yue was going to Linshi, and they were a little bit reluctant. They also have to go to school next, but they can't go to Linshi often.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Well, yes, I have to go to school in Linshi! After I take the college entrance examination, I will live in the capital! It will only take two and a half years at most!"

"Oh, Xiao Yueer, you have gone to Linshi, and I want to go to Linshi too!" Mu Yutao also looked at Mu Yue reluctantly. He also wants to go to school. Although he is a university, he also wants to go to school. , Can't always accompany Mu Yue.

Mu Yue looked at Mu Yutao with a smile, and said, "Didn't you say that there is a holiday? You can come for the holiday!"

Her brothers cared about her completely because they had treated her like a princess. If possible, they all wanted to accompany her, which made her a little flattered.

"Oh!" The group of people in Mu's family were full of sadness and dismay.

Mu Yue couldn't help but laughed. She could understand the care of Mu's family, and she felt very warm in her heart.

The end of the month is about to come, and school is about to go, she has to make the amulet during this time and give it to them before leaving.

Although, there is no need to rush, but this is also a little new to her. With it, there is always a sense of relief.

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