On the last night of August, Mu Yue was going to leave the capital at noon tomorrow.

In the evening, I made a sumptuous dinner with several aunts of Mu's family, which made everyone in Mu's family happy.

"Grandpa... this is the amulet I made by you!" Mu Yue took out the small boxes and handed them to the hands of the Mu and the other people in the Mu family. "You can take it with you, and it will also affect your body. Many benefits!"

When Mr. Mu heard what Mu Yue said, he was a little surprised, "Oh? Amulet? You made it?"

Opening the box, I saw a piece of jade held by a red string, with the zodiac of Mr. Mu carved on it.

As soon as Mu Haiye opened it, he saw the jade inside and screamed, "Hey, isn't this the old pit glass type that Xiao Junyan that stinky kid gave you last time?"

"Yeah! Yes!" Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "I carved this by myself and opened it. There is an opportunity for me. You can take this jade to heal your body!"

"Enlightenment? This is too mythical, right?" Mu Yutao listened and said with some surprise.

Mu Haixuan looked at the jade pendant in his hand, nodded, and said in surprise, "This jade pendant does have a strong aura!"

Only Mu Haixuan could feel the aura in the jade pendant here.

"Uncle, shouldn't you just say something nice to Sister Yue, right?" Mu Wenhao pouted and said to Mu Haixuan.

For these younger generations, they still have almost never seen that kind of magical thing, but at least there are internal things, after all, Mu Haixuan is one of them.

And Mu Haixuan could feel it because his cultivation level had reached the peak of transformation strength, so he could feel it.

Moreover, Mu Haixuan is still responsible for those strange things, and he usually comes into contact with these things, so it is easier to see these things.

Mu Haixuan glared at Mu Wenhao and stretched out his hand to him, "If you don't like it, then give it to me. I don't mind having one more!"

When Mu Wenhao heard this, he quickly hid behind him, and raised his neck to Mu Haixuan, "I don't want it. Sister Yue gave it to me!"

Mu Yue looked at the quarrel between Mu Haixuan and Mu Wenhao, and smiled helplessly.

"It is a jade bracelet for us, it looks so beautiful!" The aunt opened the box and saw that there was a jade bracelet inside, and they all cried out in amazement.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and explained, "Well, the male is a jade pendant, and the female is a jade bracelet!"

Everyone looked at each other, and it was true that the men were wearing jade pendants on their necks, while the women were jade bracelets.

"Oh, yes!" Mu Yue took out two more small boxes and handed them to the eldest aunt and the second aunt, and said, "the eldest aunt, the second aunt, this is what I prepared for Yuqing and Wenyuan. You guys help me give it to them!"

The elder aunt and the second aunt took it over from Mu Yue, and looked at Mu Yue thankfully, "Good, good!"

"Then I will thank you for them!" The aunt gently touched Mu Yue's head and said complimentingly.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "This is what I should do!"

"Oh, let me take you there tomorrow. We will also be there in Linshi in the future. It happens that Xiaofeng is also able to take care of each other in the same class after her first year in high school. If you have anything to do with your company in the future, you can contact me! Hai Ye smiled and said to Mu Yue.

When Mu Haiwei heard this, he nodded in agreement and directly ordered, "Well, you go! Stare at the stinky boy of the Xiao family!"

"Don't worry, big brother, I will definitely keep an eye on him!" Mu Haiye said vowedly.

When Mu Yue listened, three black lines fell on her forehead.

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