Yuan Xiao got up, walked in front of Mu Yue, and asked, "You...you mean, you found your biological father?"

Because without this reason, Mu Yue would have an extra cousin.

This news is absolutely more shocking and unbelievable than when Mu Yue just came in with a strange boy in his arms.

Mu Yue smiled at Yuan Xiao and nodded, "Yes, I have been in the capital all this time because I found my biological father and recognized my family!"

Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, the people were shocked, but they were even more shocked, and a thick gossip fire ignited in their hearts.

"Really confirmed? Are they your relatives? Blood relatives?" Mu Zhitong retracted her posture, opened her eyes wide, and looked at Mu Yue.

An Ziyun also walked over quickly and looked at Mu Yue curiously, "What you said is true? Did you really find your biological parents? They are in the capital? How did you meet each other? Did you find it yourself?"

Wu Hongjun also came over in surprise, "Your parents are from Beijing? How did you find them?"

Everyone looked at Mu Yue with curious and inquiring eyes, and threw their questions to Mu Yue one by one.

Mu Yue touched her nose and said with a little embarrassment, "Don't ask me this one by one, come here, everyone sit down first, and I will tell you slowly how I found my relatives. Okay?"

"Okay! I have to say it!" Mu Zhitong listened, nodded, and said to Mu Yue, "You have to make it clear that you are telling us now! If it weren't for us to ask you out, I guess you wouldn't tell us this. What's up!"

Mu Yue said innocently, "Isn't I very busy? Besides, I have been in Beijing before, and I have no time to communicate with my family at home!"

"Okay, okay, forgive you!" An Ziyun patted Mu Yue on the shoulder, and said comfortingly, "Come on, sit down first, and talk to us slowly. If you don't speak well, we don't I will accept it!"

Mu Yue could only sit down helplessly and talk to everyone about what she and her father knew each other.

Everyone was stunned when they listened to Mu Yue's narration.

They didn't expect that this turned out to be Mu Yue himself who went to treat her father first and cured his amnesia before recognizing her as a daughter.

If Mu Yue doesn't heal his father's memory, perhaps, their father and daughter really can't recognize each other!

"So, your original surname was Mu? Not Chu?" Yuan Xiao asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile, "But I haven't really returned to the family with a banquet. I still have to study in Linshi. Therefore, there will be no banquet for the time being, and I plan to wait for my adult ceremony. , Together! Really go home!"

Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, everyone nodded.

Yan Yu asked Mu Yue caringly, "Then you will really change your surname next year?"

He knew best that Mu Yue's return to the Mu family not only had a great impact on the Mu family, but also had a great impact on Mu Yue.

He knew the most about what big family the Mu family was.

When Mu Yue introduced, he didn't tell you what kind of family the Mu family was. For a while, everyone didn't think about what kind of family the Mu family was.

After returning, if they are capable of investigating, they will investigate, and they will be even more shocked when they know.

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