"Well! Everyone must come for my coming-of-age ceremony next year!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, and said to everyone.

Everyone laughed when they heard, "As long as you send us an invitation, of course we will come!"

"Yeah, it's the best news that you can go home. No wonder you haven't come back in the capital. This is a good thing!" Qiao Mo nodded and said with a smile.

Wu Hongjun asked concerned, "Then why didn't you directly study in Beijing?"

"Yeah! Aren't your father and the others in the capital? Why are they still in Lin City!" Mu Zhitong asked Mu Yue curiously.

Mu Yue blinked at them, "Believe it or not, I don't want to study in the capital, I don't want to be separated from you!"

"Cut!" Mu Zhitong rolled her eyes directly, but then she looked at Mu Yue with emotion, "If you have a little conscience, if you dare to abandon us, I will definitely never end with you, sisters won't have to do it. Up!"

An Ziyun nodded, stared at Mu Yue fiercely, and said threateningly, "That's right, if you dare to go to Beijing to study now, we won't recognize you as a sister!"

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded at once, these two girls were really.

"Not only do I not want to be separated from you, but also because my company and the development of Linshi during high school prevented me from leaving, so my grandpa and I have discussed with them. As long as it is not a holiday, I will go back! "Mu Yue smiled and explained.

Mu Yifeng nodded and explained to Mu Yue, "Yes! Originally we didn't allow Sister Yue to come back, but Sister Yue insisted that we can't do anything with her, so we agreed that we must go back during the holiday!"

Ouyang Mengxi nodded in agreement, and said with a smile, "This is what it should be. You have finally returned home and you have to be with your relatives!"

Mu Zhitong hummed her nose and said, "Not only is he busy with company affairs, but now I have gone to the capital during holidays, and you have no chance to come out and play with us!"

An Ziyun patted the table and stared at Mu Yue, "That's right, Mu Yue, do you have to compensate us!"

"Khan! It's compensation again!" Mu Yue heard it, and she was ashamed, "It's not my fault! I don't want it! And, I didn't go to the capital for you. My biggest reason is for you. Those who stay in Linshi! You should reward me well, right?"

"Then I will reward you for not beating you! But you still have to give us mental loss!" An Ziyun stared at Mu Yue, threateningly said.

Mu Yue helped her forehead helplessly, this girl.

"Cough cough cough, my stomach is up, I have said so much, and the food is going to be cold!" Mu Yue quickly reminded everyone, diverting everyone's attention.

Yan Yu smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Then let's celebrate today too, to celebrate Mu Yue's ability to find his biological parents. Although it is late, we should also celebrate, right?"

"You kid, you're arguing with me, right?" An Ziyun turned her head and stared at Yan Yu dissatisfied.

Yan Yu said angrily, "Who is arguing with you, I'm telling the truth, come on, cheers everyone!"

Ouyang Mengxi also stood up, speaking softly, but his tone was full of strong instructions, "Mu Yue, congratulations, I found my relatives! You won't be an orphan anymore!"

Mu Yue smiled and stood up, and toasted to everyone, "Thank you!"

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