Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1536: Father Mu's salary draw 1

Mu Yue returned to her dormitory. As a boy, Mu Yifeng could not enter, so she sent her to the dormitory and left.

Mu Yue, who returned to her bedroom by herself, suddenly blocked her way by herself and prevented her from leaving.

Mu Yue looked at the girl standing at the top of the stairs, not letting herself go, for a moment, and then a look of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

Misunderstanding, this is really a troublesome thing!

"Chu Muyue! You'd better stay away from Mu Shao. She is not something that you, a wild species that your parents don't know about!" He Wanting looked at Mu Yue who was standing on the lower steps with disdain.

If it was before, He Wanting directly referred to her as a wild species, and Mu Yue estimated that she would be very angry in her heart.

But now, Mu Yue, who has found her own father, only finds it ridiculous to hear He Wanting say this.

However, this He Wanting casually used other people's life experience to scold others, making Mu Yue look at her with cold eyes.

Mu Yue looked at He Wanting mockingly, her eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot, "Who am I, am I qualified to be with Mu Shao, it seems that you are not qualified to say it?"

She is the little princess of the Mu family, and this He Wanting dare to say that to her.

If these words she said were heard by the Mu family, it is estimated that both her and her parents would die miserably.

"I'm not qualified!" Hearing Mu Yue's words, He Wanting only thought it was ridiculous. She lifted her chin slightly and looked at her, "Even if you have a **** group company, you can compare it with us. If you hadn't betrayed your body and put on Duan Shao, how could you have the current achievements! How could you be worthy of Mu Shao with your dirty body!"

People who know Mu Yue know her abilities, but people who don't know can't help but think of other things.

And it's a girl like He Wanting.

Mingming Mu Yue, like them, is only in her teens. What ability does she have to create a company?

Moreover, she is still a wild species whose parents don't even know who it is, and she has no money or power. If she wants to establish a company, she is not betraying her body. What is it?

Therefore, He Wanting now directly speaks out the guess in her heart without hesitation.

And when Mu Yue heard these words, it was a bit funny, well, it seems that others really thought that she got everything now through this method.

"Hehehe, if you want to say that, I can't help it!" Mu Yue shrugged and said helplessly, "It's useless to tell me that. If you want to say it, you must talk to Mu Shao, and you will let him see it. Just be clear about my character, why come to me! But that's right, who made Mu Shao not even know who you are?"

"You!" He Wanting originally heard the words in front of Mu Yue, she felt aggrieved in her heart, and when she heard the words behind her, her heart became even more angry.

She ran up to Mu Shao to say hello just now, but she was greeted by Mu Shao's words. She didn't know who she was, and she was greatly ashamed in front of Mu Yue.

"Don't stand in my way. If you think my body is not worthy of Mu Shao, then go to him and explain my dirty tricks!" Mu Yue looked at He Wanting playfully, with a faint expectation in her heart. I won't stop you, go! I look forward to your success!"

"Chu Muyue, do you think I dare not say that?" He Wanting pointed at Mu Yue and threatened angrily.

"If you want to understand this way, I can't help it!"

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