Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1537: Father Mu's salary draw 2

Mu Yue returned to her bedroom, not caring about what He Wanting had just stopped her. After going to the bathroom to wash up, she was ready to read a book and went to bed.

However, when I walked out of the bathroom, the phone on the table vibrated.

An Ziyun, who was painting her dream skin care series, called Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, your phone rang!"

"Come on!" Mu Yue quickly put down the things in his hands, walked to the table, picked up the phone to see who was calling him.

Picking up the mobile phone, I saw that Xiao Junyan actually came from the mobile phone call.

Thinking that it was so late, Xiao Junyan had to call himself, there must be something urgent.

Mu Yue quickly connected to the phone, and there was a deep voice on the phone, "Yue, I want to go out!"

"Go out? Why go out?" Mu Yue was taken aback, and was a little puzzled by Xiao Junyan's sudden words.

"I have to leave for a while, take care of yourself!" Xiao Junyan immediately explained to Mu Yue.

Hearing that Xiao Junyan was leaving to do a mission, Mu Yue's heart suddenly became tense, "Are you going to go to the mission? What mission? Where to go? Isn't it dangerous?"

"It's okay, it's simple, don't worry, it's okay!" Xiao Junyan heard Mu Yue's worried question, holding the mobile phone in his hand and turning the steering wheel with the other hand, a happy and gentle smile appeared in his mouth, "Not dangerous mission , Security work, it's okay!"

Even though he said that, Xiao Junyan's eyes flashed with light.

This task was assigned by a special department, and the task decided by this department was of course set by the boss Mu Haixuan.

This guy is definitely avenging his private revenge by doing this. He, the father, can't be with Mu Yue all the time, so he will stay away from Mu Yue.

I have to say that Mu Haixuan is really cunning to the extreme. As a subordinate, even the second-in-command cannot disobey the order, but can only obey.

Although he heard Xiao Junyan say this, Mu Yue was still worried, "When will you leave? If you leave tomorrow, I have some amulet here, you take it!"

"No, I'm already on the road, protect yourself, I'm fine!" Xiao Junyan comforted Mu Yue.

Hearing that Xiao Junyan had already left, Mu Yue only felt very regretful in her heart, and also very regretful.

I regretted why I didn't make more amulets for Xiao Junyan, so that she could feel at ease.

Fearing that Mu Yue was worried, Xiao Junyan comforted her again, "I have amulet, don't worry!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, "Then take care of yourself, don't force yourself, do you take all the medicine I gave you?"

"Take them all!" Xiao Junyan squinted and glanced at a small cosmetic bag in the passenger seat, which contained the medicines that Mu Yue had prepared.

Holding these medicines, Xiao Junyan felt that Mu Yue was by his side, even if he was injured, he didn't have to be afraid.

"Well, then... you take good care of yourself!" Mu Yue thought for a while, and then asked, "I won't bother you anymore, please drive well!"

She had heard the motor noise coming from the phone and didn't intend to disturb him.

A gleam of light flashed through Xiao Junyan's eyes, and he gently said, "Okay, take care of yourself, and wait for me to come back!"

"So are you!" Mu Yue hung up the phone reluctantly and looked up at the dark starry sky.

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