Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1538: Father Mu's salary draw 3

Xiao Junyan was going to perform the task, and it was estimated that he would not be able to see each other for a while, Mu Yue was still a little sad.

However, this was only a short time for Mu Yue. She believed that Xiao Junyan would never have anything to do and would definitely come back safely.

Although I believed Xiao Junyan, he still secretly thought about making more amulets.

When I went to Xiao Junyan's villa last time, all the remaining jade that was cut out was stored in the space, and she could make many amulets.

In a blink of an eye, it was dawn. Mu Yue and Mu Zhitong who were in the dormitory had breakfast together and returned to the classroom to start a new semester of study.

Everyone felt a little tired after half a day of class, but Mu Yue didn't feel tired at all.

Several people went to the cafeteria again in groups.

However, just short of walking down the teaching building, he was blocked by a figure.

Seeing the visitor, Mu Yue sneered in her heart. She didn't tell Mu Yifeng about the matter yesterday, and this guy didn't expect to come up by herself.

"Why are you again?" Mu Yifeng was dissatisfied when he saw He Wanting.

He Wanting saw that Mu Yifeng was very dissatisfied with her attitude, and thought to her heart that Mu Yue must have spoken badly about herself in front of Mu Shao.

Thinking that she was not in the same class as Mu Yifeng, but Mu Yue was in the same class as Mu Yifeng, she never had the opportunity to find Mu Yifeng, let alone find him to defend, and she had no chance to expose Mu Yue's true face.

Although Mu Yifeng had a bad attitude towards herself, He Wanting still thought that as long as she exposed Mu Yue's true colors, she would still be able to recover.

"Mu Shao, I want to find you and tell you something related to Chu Muyue!" He Wanting glanced at Mu Yue with a mocking and provocative look, and said to Mu Yifeng.

Originally, she was very dissatisfied with Mu Zhitong and others who blocked her way, but when she heard what she said, she was a little curious in her heart. What is she going to say?

There was a playful smile on Mu Yue's mouth, looking at He Wanting, waiting for her next words.

Mu Yifeng also frowned, looked at He Wanting, and then at Mu Yue beside him, "What's the matter?"

Although I don't know what He Wanting is going to say, since it is something that concerns Mu Yue, he can just listen to it with difficulty!

Hearing Mu Yifeng's words, He Wanting felt even more proud in her heart. She glanced at Mu Yue mockingly, and said to Mu Yifeng, "Mu Shao, I know, Chu Muyue must have said it in front of you. My bad words come to slander me, you must not be deceived by her! This is your first time in Linshi, and I think you don’t even know what kind of person Chu Muyue is!"

Mu Yifeng raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at He Wanting coldly.

"Who are you!" Mu Zhitong heard He Wanting's words, and immediately cried out intolerably, "You slander Mu Yue here!"

The situation here also attracted the attention of the surrounding students who were going to the cafeteria to eat. They all turned their heads and looked curiously in the direction of the quarrel.

Seeing the situation on Mu Yue's side, anyone who knew Mu Yue and the others couldn't help but sighed, all curious, who the **** was looking for Mu Yue trouble?

"What happened? Is this girl looking for trouble with Chu Muyue?"

"Hi, there is another good show to watch!"

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